Learning objectives
The teaching program, compatible with the small time allocated to teaching, the vastness of subject and taking into account previous experience in the orthopedic training, aims to improve the implementation of musculoskeletal system mobilization techniques, enriching and integrating them with new theoretical and practical content, with the aim of giving students a discreet knowledge of the basic principles that constitute the rational of biomechanical and clinical reasoning of "good practice" in the art of manual therapy.
Good anatomical and biomechanical knowkedge; experience in orthopedic training.
Course unit content
Starting from the global observation of human movement, erecte posture, walking, monopodal station and biomechanical aspects, the student is led to perform a proper local-regional examination and identifies dysfunctional situations where mobility is impaired in the quality/quantity during passive/active movement.
Full programme
In the theoretical session:
the history and practice of manual medicine; role of the musculoskeletal system; concept of neurological control; A.R.T.: asymmetry, motor range, altered tissues; diagnostic triad for somatic dysfunction; the clinical objectives of manual treatment (analgesic and/or biological action); introductory notes on movement barriers and movement restriction; prescription to manual treatment; contraindications to manual therapy procedures (hyperactivity, instability)
In the practical session:
The general examination; static level and anatomical levels; static analysis of erect and monopodal posture; gait analysis; the locoregional examination; skin rolling test; sensitivy to movement (hypomobility/hypermobility); angular movements, translation movements; the articular game; physiological limit of movement; anatomical limit of movement; pathological limit to movement; slight and severe restrictions of movement; "Zero" position (neutral position); rest position; articular traction stages and joint mobilization (Maitland concept); concave rule; rule of convexity; amplitude gain by muscular energy techniques; special and provocative tests.
* Greenman P., De Stefano L.,Principles of manual medicine, Futura Publishing Society 2012
* Shneider W., Dvoràc J., Dvoràk V., Tritschler T., Mèdecine manuelle thèrapeutique, Masson 1989
* Petty N.J., Moore A.P., Neuromusculoskeletal examination ansd assessment, Elsevier Masson 2000
* Multimedia support tutor med-rehabilitation
Teaching methods
Lessons will be practical theoretical; the first part involves the teaching of biomechanical/clincial concepts and mechanism of action. In the second part there will be practical exercises where particular attention will be paid to the proper execution of basic techniques with reference to physiotherapist position, application point and strenght direction/intensity. During the theoretical part specific movies and media will be used.
Assessment methods and criteria
Practical and theoretical exam
Other information
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