Learning objectives
Knowledge and ability to understand the technical management and assistance to the newborn in intensive neonatal care, with particular attention to the recognition and interpretation of the language of the premature.
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Course unit content
The course aims to provide the student with the basic knowledge in the field of assistance to the newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care, with particular attention to the premature baby.
Full programme
1. Assistance to the newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care
Organization of the T.I.N.
Standard operating, safety and technological guidelines that characterize modern Neonatal Intensive Care.
Premature infant and premature parents
2. Technical management
Incubator, procedure bed, infant warmer
Thermoregulation and protection from light.
Vital parameters and monitor interpretation (FC, FR, Spo2, PA)
Skin color
Pain and assessment scales
3. Interpret and understand the language of the premature baby
The motor system, postures and movements
Signs of stability and instability
The containment of the newborn
Facilitation mode
The sleep-wake rhythm
The ability to adjust itself
4 Nutrition and preterm infant: assessment of neonatal oral motorial abilities
Evolutionary stages of the oral-motorial skills in the gestational phase
Feed with "Gavage": by gastric nose versus gastric oral
The transition from gavage to teat or breast
"Special" teats for "special" babies
5. Discharge of the premature baby.
The slides projected during the course and all the material used during the lessons, as guidelines and procedure, were made available to the students.
Teaching methods
Lectures with use of slides provided by the teacher.
Assessment methods and criteria
oral examination
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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