Studying abroad

The University of Parma offers all its students various opportunities to foster the development of a real international dimension of university study. From exchanges in Europe through the Erasmus Plus Programme to extra-European mobility with the Overworld Programme and numerous pathways for the acquisition of a double degree.

Assistance and agreements for international mobility

The service deals with the definition of agreements with universities in other countries for the international mobility of students, in particular for training periods abroad.
In recent years the University of Parma has undertaken important work aimed at increasing the number of courses with double or joint degrees, with a view to increasing and promoting international mobility. It is precisely the international dimension of the course catalogue that is aimed not only at increasing the number of deserving international students, by diversifying their geographical origin, but also at increasing the number of graduates who have had training experience abroad, thus strengthening the international dimension of the training contexts, also through the teaching of foreign experts and the development of the students' language skills.
The intense activity aimed at improving internationalisation has resulted in an increase in language training opportunities, the consolidation of exchange activities within the Erasmus+ Programme, the expansion of exchange opportunities within the OVERWORLD University Programme, in the implementation of double-degree programmes with structured mobility, in the TeachinParma project co-financed by the CariParma Foundation for the support of Visiting Professors working within the Doctoral Schools, in the recruitment of Visiting Professors for teaching activities in first- and second-level degree courses.
The realisation and implementation of internationalisation processes, on the basis of the directives issued by the University governance, is carried out by the Internationalisation Division (Research, Internationalisation and Third Stream Management Area).
In the Department of Medicine and Surgery, a professor in charge of the Erasmus project was appointed to manage international mobility agreements and to assist students for and during periods abroad: Prof. Roberto Sala.
Students on mobility programmes can find support in the offices:
Specialised Division - Internationalisation
Area Staff (Research, Internationalisation, Libraries and Museums)