cod. 21130

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - First semester
Elena Giovanna BIGNAMI
Academic discipline
Anestesiologia (MED/41)
Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit


Learning objectives

The management of emergencies in obstetrics is complex and involves many colleagues (gynecologists, obstetricians, nurses, anesthesiologists, neonatologists, laboratory medicine and transfusion center).
The quality and effectiveness of the treatment often depend on a good coordination of the team.
The aim of the course is to provide common knowledge elements and a unique language for the delivery room team to prevent and / or manage adverse events in the delivery room together.

The evaluation will be integrated with a judgment of learning BLSD and an oral exam that will relate to the clinical cases of PS, operating room and ICU, which will be a starting point for a discussion on "Course Topics." For any topics not covered in class, the student will be referred to the contents of the recommended texts. The student's ability to deal with simulated clinical cases will also be assessed.

In particular,

• Emergency operating room
• Postpartum bleeding (also in polytrauma)
• Hypertensive crisis; gestosis / pre-eclampsia / eclampsia
• HELLP syndrome
• Acute respiratory failure
• cardio-circulatory arrest: etiology. pathophysiology, epidemiology and treatment



Course unit content

Anesthesiologists are increasingly involved in the care of pregnant women, and in the obstetric field the anesthesiologist exercises his activity in the following fields:

- evaluation for childbirth-analgesia and caesarean section in emergency
- urgency evaluation of pregnant women at risk for comorbidity (obesity, heart disease, etc.)
- assessment of women at risk for diseases associated with pregnancy (severe management, HELLP
syndrome, etc.)
- emergency evaluation during labor and vaginal delivery (analgesia: peridural or combined analgesia)
- anesthesia for caesarean section and for revision of the uterine cavity (also emergency)
- emergency treatment (hemorrhagic shock, eclampsia, etc.). In particular, the need for clinical monitoring of vital parameters and management of bleeding peri-partum (minor and major), through the administration of fluids, blood derivatives and drugs.
- admission to intensive care

The primary responsibility of the anesthesiologist in the delivery room is the safety of the woman.

Full programme

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- Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital (English version). William E., Md. Hurford, Michael T., Md. Bailn J. Kenneth, Md. Davison, Kenneth, Md. Haspel, Carl, Md. Rosow. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- Obstetric and Gynecologic Anesthesia, Authors: Ferne Braveman

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and slides

Assessment methods and criteria

The student’s knowledge, topics’ comprehension and her/his skill to apply them on the occupational contexts will be evaluated by questions on the topics related to the course content. Failed answer to one or more questions or proved insufficiency of the basic knowledge on the subject will preclude the successful completion of the exam. In case of completion of the exam, an evaluation that contributes to the final grade of the course will be defined and it will be based on the achievement of the objectives (excellent, good, fair, fully sufficient, barely sufficient).

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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