Learning objectives
The course aims to give deep knowledge and competence in romance philology's tools and problems through a case-study.
1) Knowledge and understanding: by the end of course the students will be able to read and translate texts of average difficulty.
2) Applying Knowledge and understanding and judgments making: by the
end of the course students will be able to comment upon texts and make complex argumentation.
3) communication skills: by the end the course students will be able to formulate hypothesis in a specialistic and up-to-date vocabulary.
4) Learning skills: by the end of the course students will be able to carry on autonomously his studies also in view of PhD.
Course unit content
The course will study the Fiorita, a XIV century text written by Armannino da Bologna. After a short Introduction, we'll study the differents parts of the text (above all Thebe, Troy and Rome sections) and their cultural background.
Full programme
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P. Beltrami, A che serve un'edizione critica?, Bologna, Il Mulino
Lecture Notes
NON- attending Students are requested to conctact the teacher.
Teaching methods
Taught class; seminar lesson (reading and translating from facsimiles of manuscripts).
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of :
- short paper on an agreed subject, to be given to the teacher at least one week before the oral exam;
- oral exam: questions are of 3 kinds:
- test of reading, translation and linguistic analysis of a text chosen from
the course;
- test on linguistical competence;
- test on the literary and historical context.
The 4 parts will equally concur to the final note (in 30 scale);
it is necessary to have a satisfactory note (18/30) in each set.
The student is immediately told of his note.
A pass (18-23/30) is
determined by the student’s possession of the basic
contents of the course; middle-range scores (24-27/30) corresponds to
good level of knowledge and to che ability in making links and
apply it to problem solving;
higher scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) correspond to developed
abilities and competence in translating, making links among different languages and
Other information
Those who never passed a Philology Romance exam in the first cycle are invited to contact the teacher
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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