Learning objectives
The course aims, in A) part, to give a basic knowledge, from a linguistic and historical point of view, of Romance philology: this background is necessary for Italian Literature students and for French and Spanish language and literature students. At the end of the course, students will be able to:
a) read and correctly translate the texts read during the course b) know the basis of romance linguistics and romance medieval literatures c) establish links among different linguistic features.
Part B (specialized course) aims to give the students the competence for an indipendent comprehension of simple texts in Frenc/Occitan /Spanish and for a deep study of the text read during the specialized course from a historical, linguistic, philological point of view.
Basic skill in literature and linguistics.
Course unit content
Modulo A (first 6 CFU)
Selected and critical texts, read and commented by the teacher, from various
literary genres, with special attention paid to galloromance and iberic literature.
Modulo B
Reading, translation and analysis of selected passages from the Chanson d'Aspremont, epic poem composed in langue d'oil at the end of the XII century, source of numberless reworking and translation in different languages.
1. Attending students, modulo A (6 cfu), Students NOT from "Civiltà e lingue straniere moderne":
1.1 P. Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Patron 2016 OR Pietro G. Beltrami, La Filologia romanza, il Mulino, 2017.
1.2 A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Laterza, 2012.
1.3. F. Brugnolo – R. Capelli, Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali, Roma, Carocci, 2011 (chapters on French and Provençal literature).
1.4. Notes and Lecture Notes.
2. Attending Studensts, Modulo A (6 cfu): Studenti From "Civiltà e lingue straniere moderne"(individual exam or "esame integrato" with French or Spanish Literature): 2.1 P. Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Patron 2016 OR Pietro G. Beltrami, La Filologia romanza, il Mulino, 2017.
2.2 A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Laterza, 2012.
- For students of French: F. Brugnolo – R. Capelli, Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali, Roma, Carocci, 2011: chapters on French and Provençal Literature.
- Students of Spanish: chapters by Carlos Alvar about Spanish Literature in: Alvar- Asperti-Bertolucci, L'area iberica, Bari, Laterza.
2.4. Notes and lecture notes.
3. NON attendins Students: it is highly recommended to attend the course, since ROmance Philology is a new, and not easy matter. However, a non- attending students set of texts is available (for modulo A):
3.1 P. Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Patron 2016 OR Pietro G. Beltrami, La Filologia romanza, il Mulino, 2017.
3.2 A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Laterza, 2012.
- FOr students of "Lettere" and "Civiltà e lingue straniere moderne" (French): F. Brugnolo – R. Capelli, Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali, Roma, Carocci, 2011: chapters on French and Provençal Literature.
- Students of Spanish will study the chapter by Carlos Alvar on Spanish (Castilian) Literature in: Alvar- Asperti-Bertolucci, L'area iberica, Bari, Laterza.
3.4. P. Gresti, Antologia delle letterature romanze, Bologna, Patron, 2011: reading, translation and commentary of the following texts: (all students): sezione B (epic): Chanson de Roland (all), Chanson de Guillaume, Ronsasvals,Canso de la Crozada, Cantar de mio CId (all);
B (Lyrics): Guilhem de Peitieus (all), Marcabruno (all), Raimbaut d'Aurenga- Guiraut de Bornelh, Bernart de Ventadorn (all), Chrétien de Troyes, Conon de Béthune, Thibaut; Martin Soares, Pero da POnte, Alfonso el Sabio.
C (romance): Roman de Troie; Roman d'Alexandre; Thomas; Béroul, Chrétien de Troyes (Le conte du Graal), Libro de Alexandre, Libro de Apolonio
4. Attending Students moduli A+ B (12 cfu):
4.1. P. Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Patron 2016. OR Pietro G. Beltrami, La filologia romanza, Il Mulino 2017 OR S. Asperti, Origini Romanze, Viella.
4.2. A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Laterza, 2012.
4.3. F. Brugnolo – R. Capelli, Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali, Roma, Carocci, 2011
4.4. P. Beltrami, A che serve un'edizione critica? Bologna, Il Mulino.
4.5. Au. Roncaglia, La lingua d'oil, Ist. editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2005 (or previous editions).
4.6. Notes.
4.7. Chanson d'Aspremont, a c. di F. SUARD, Paris, Champion (lecture notes).
NON- attending Students for moduli A+B (12 cfu) are requested to conctact the teacher.
Teaching methods
Front lessons: reading, translation and commentary of texts given at the beginning of the course.
Seminars (both front lessons and training), held by Luca Di Sabatino.
All the slides will be available on Elly
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of an oral examination; questions are of 3 kinds:
- test of reading, translation and linguistic analysis of a text chosen from the course;
- test on linguistical competence;
- test on the literary and historical context.
The 3 sets of questions will equally concur to the final note (in 30 scale); it is necessary to have a satisfactory note (18/30) in each set.
Other information
It is highly recommended to attend the course, since Romance Philology is a new, and not easy matter and given texts are in 3 different languages (French, Provençal, Spanish), each one different from the contemporary language.