Learning objectives
Aims of this course is to reach the basic knowledge concerning the use of microorganisms at industrial level and the industrial processes for biomass and metabolites production.
Great attention will be focused on industrial fermentation in food transformation and production
During lessons the student will improve his knowledge studying and discussing practical and theoretical "study cases" concerning the main topics of the lessons
The final goal of this course is to provide the students intellectual tools in order to judge and comprehend the main topics of food industrial microbiology according to the main goals of the Corso di laurea magistrale in Food Science and to microbiological area teaching field
Basic knowledges of microbiology and food microbiology
Course unit content
Food Microbiology 6CFU
The first part of the course concerns the following topics :
- role of cell structure and differentiation on microbial metabolism and adaptation to the ecosystem
intrinsic and extrinsic environmental factors affecting microbial growth and phenotype expression
- microbial growth kinetic, survival and production of different metabolites
- DNA, RNA and protein expression
- genetic modification in prokaryote and eukaryote cells
The second part of the course concerns the topics of:
- industrial exploitation of microorganisms and genetically modified microorganisms
- Monod equation and its applications
- Biomass and primary or secondary metabolite production
- Industrial fermentation processes
- Batch; Fed-batch, continuous bioreactors
- Up stream and down stream
- Principles of process modelling and Scaling up of biotechnological industrial process
The third part of the course concerns the discussion and solving of real industrial "study cases", concerning industrial microbiology applied to the food industries
Full programme
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PRINCIPLES OF FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY; Stanbury and Whitaker - Pergamo Press (1984)
BIOTECNOLOGIE MICROBICHE; Donadio and Marino - Ambrosiana (2008)
ProF Neviani Lesson notes
Teaching methods
The theoretical topics of the course are explained by means of lectures.
Basis and applications of industrial microbiology will be dicussed during lessons. The study, elaboration and discussion of specific "study cases (exercises and business cases)" are proposed on the practical parts of the course and could permit to verify the student comprehention and elaboration capacity
Assessment methods and criteria
Specific lessons aimed to assessing the state of learning will be carried out at the end of each part of the course. During the course, some lessons will be devoted to student presentation and discussion of "study cases (business cases are discussed as examples of the main theoretical arguments of the course)" useful to understand and verify the state of comprehension and the elaboration capacity reached concerning industrial microbiology application fields.
Final examination will be carried out by a written test, either in form of multiple choices or open questions. The final evaluation will depend on the percentage of correct answers.
"Industrial microbiology" course is a part of "Predictive microbiology and industrial microbiology" course and contribute to 50% of the final evaluation.
Only in the case that the examination of the industrial microbiology is considered to be sufficent it will be possible to calculate the overall final evaluation
Other information
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