Learning objectives
Functional acquisition of scientific terminology and enhance skills of reading and comprehension
Students are supposed to have reached level B2 as described in CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Course unit content
Method of reading comprehension of a scientific text
Full programme
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Articles and scientific texts relevant to the thesis
Teaching methods
Interactive English activities
Assessment methods and criteria
written test
Other information
The English teachers at the Faculty of Medicine usually have less medical knowledge that learners therefore are perceived as lay people as opposed to 'expert' students.
At the Physiotherapy Course, University of Parma, this issue is overcome thanks to the fact that the teacher has both the degrees in Physiotherapy and Foreign Languages
Students’ duties
Attend all classes regularly. If a student misses more than 25% of the classes without a clear reason she/he will not be admitted to the final exam without a special permission by the Dean.