cod. 1004769

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Durante il corso lo studente acquisirà conoscenze specifiche in merito agli argometi trattati durante le lezioni, in particolare acquisirà conoscenze che consentiranno di comprendere la fase di inquadramento diagnostico delle principali patologie cardiovascolari.


Knowledge of cardiovascular anatomy and physiology.

Course unit content

The course will be divided into three parts and will trace the continuum of cardiovascular risk from preclinical to more advanced stages of heart disease.

The three topics will be cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, ischemic heart disease and heart failure.

In the first part, concerning the prevention of cardiovascular disease will be treated aspects of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and risk factors of cardiovascular disease

The second part, concerning ischemic heart disease, will dealt aspects of classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and elements of electrocardiography of acute coronary syndromes that of stable ischemic heart disease.

The third part, regarding heart failure, will dealt aspects of classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of heart failure, systolic and diastolic.

Full programme

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Lecture notes, transparencies and slides of the lectures.

Teaching methods

The course will be structured with lectures followed by a moment, at the end of each lesson, of discussion regarding the topics treated. Lectures will be accompanied by a period of practical training in which student will stand side by side of a cardiologist during a clinica visit. During this practical training, and at the end of the practice phase, there will be a moment of interactive discussion between the student and the specialist cardiologist

Assessment methods and criteria

The final vote will take account of knowledge acquired during the course, ability to link together all knowledge, expressive capacity and also specific ability of the student.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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