cod. 1004779

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Allow students to know and understand the tools and the main methodology to develop and use the own and specific concepts of hygiene in the prevention of infectious and non infectious diseases in hospital and non-hospital setting.
Allow students to know and understand the main principles of medicine and labor law deepening and analyzing these disciplines in relation to the employment

Among the competences acquired, students will be able to:
develop self-analysis of certain health risk factors, both individual and collective prevention strategies , and of interventions to promote the health and safety of health care workers and users.
-acquire autonomy to address the problems of the professional sphere, in both the public (USL and hospitals) and private sector (nursing homes, clinics), with the knowledge and competence to allow them to make the most appropriate choices for their career .


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Course unit content

The concepts of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases with special reference to blood transmissible infections. The levels of prevention. The epidemiology and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases of social interest. Health Education.
Health care-associated infections.

Environmental hygiene.

Legislation on safety, health and protection in the workplace. Occupational diseases and their prevention. Work related diseases. Biohazard. The personal protective equipment.

Sources of labor law. The employment relationship. Rights and duties of the employee and the powers and obligations of the employer. The right to strike and lockout.The termination of the employment relationship. The collective agreement

Full programme


Determinants of health / disease
Definition of epidemiology
Fields of study of epidemiology

The measures in epidemiology
-incidence rate

Epidemiological measures of risk
-the causal factors and risk factors

General epidemiology of infectious diseases:
-transmission of infection
-factors favoring the occurrence of infections
-mode of spread of infectious diseases in the population

Preventive medicine:
-goals and methods of prevention
-levels of prevention: primary, secondary, tertiary

Prevention of infectious diseases
-discovery and inactivation of the sources of infection
-interruption of transmission chains
-immune-active and passive prevention
- pharmacology prevention

Prevention of blood transmissible infections

Health Education
- Health promotion
- The strategies of health education

General prevention of non-infectious diseases of social interest
- screening
Health care-associated infections

Environmental hygiene
- Drinking water: notes on the sources of supply,
pollution and water purification
- Hygiene aspects of swimming pools

Legislation on safety, health and protection in the workplace.
Occupational diseases and their prevention.
Work related diseases.
Manual handling.
Work related stress.
Risk of upper limb overload, repetitive movements.
Mechanical vibrations.

The evolution and sources of labor law The employment relationship
The employment contract
The employment relationship: the obligations, rights and powers of the parties
The salary
Time and place of work performance
The employment contracts of particular type
The right to strike and lockout
The termination of the employment relationship
The collective agreement


Barbuti, Fara, Giammanco et al. Igiene Medicina Preventiva Sanità Pubblica . Edises (2014)

Signorelli C. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Secrets. Domande e
risposte. Editore SEU (2017)

Material provided by the teacher

A. Mutti, M. Corradi "Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro", Nuova Editrice Berti

Teaching methods

Oral lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of an oral examination. Through questions about the contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content and whether it is able to apply the knowledge acquired in the exercise of profession.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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