cod. 1004616

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - First semester
Stefania VOCE
Academic discipline
Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica (L-FIL-LET/08)
Discipline linguistiche, filologiche e metodologiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course of medieval Latin literature and humanities provides specific knowledge of both language and literature of the Middle Ages and of Renaissance humanism, allowing students to acquire advanced skills as well as substantial and methodological critical understanding of literary texts in Latin. Knowledge and skills will be developed through classes homework and any reports on specific topics. Students must be able to work on selected authors applying methodological tools provided during lessons to other contexts and literary texts. They must also be able to examine and critically interpret texts and philological, linguistic and literary issues so to be able to express personal hypotheses on both content and socio-cultural context issues. Students must be able to present trough proper scientific language, the results of their research to fellow students. The study of Medieval and humanistic literature and language provides methodological, analytical and critical skills necessary in the final stages of the students' carrer (creation of repotrs etc.) and possibly helpful in the transition towards their futur jobs (i. e. as teachers).


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Course unit content

The course will be structured as follows:
a) Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature: context and overview;
b) Heresy in the Middle Ages, with particular attention to women's heretical movements (Guglielma from Milan and the children of the Holy Spirit).

Full programme

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Edoardo D'Angelo, La letteratura latina medievale: una storia per generi, Roma 2009 (some authors).

2) Storia della letteratura italiana. Il Trecento, a cura di E. Malato, Roma, Salerno 1995 (cap. X Francesco Petrarca); Il Quattrocento, a cura di E. Malato, Roma, Salerno 1996 (capitoli: II parr. 1- 13, e 23-24; IV (parr. 1-10); V (parr. 1-3); VII (tutto).

Teaching methods

After a brief overview of Medieval and Humanistic historical and literary background, they will be illustrated some popular heretical movements in the Middle Ages, and we will focus on the figure of Guglielma from Milan and the his group of followers called "sons of the Spirit Saint". It could be expected reading some acts of the holy Inquisition which sanctioned the condemnation of such movements. The course will also feature students' papers.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student's work will be evaluated on the basis of:
-Papers presented during classes,
-Papers presented at the final exam, where general knowledge of medieval and humanistic literature wil be evaluated, so as the comprehension of the latin text (context, content and meanin) wil be tested.

Students will be assessed on:
written and oral proficiency; correct use of language; personal reinterpretation of contents; ability to make inter-disciplinary connections; proper use of specialist language; ability to give proper answers to given questions.

Students will have to score a minimum of 60 percent or better of the given question to get a pass grade.

The final score will be calculated by the arithmetic mean of the partial scores of the two courses.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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