Learning objectives
In-depth knowledge and understanding of theoretical philosophy, its
relation to socio-philosophical questions, and its application to contemporary
debates. Ability to discuss in an argumentative form the subject-matters
proposed in the lessons and to critically compare different interpretations
of the assigned texts. Development of communicative and learning skills,
and of the ability to make autonomous judgments on theoretical
questions. Ability to compose a written work in argumentative
form on the course themes
Knowledge of the fundamental concepts and the principal writers in the
history of theoretical philosophy.
Course unit content
Nature and personhood. The course will deal with the notions of nature and culture, first and second nature. It will investigate their interplay in the development of the theoretical and practical dispositions and capacities which constitute preconditions of human personhood.
Full programme
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The bibliography will be assigned during the course
Teaching methods
Guided Discussion
Written Exercitation
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination will will consist of a brief argumentative written work on
course subjects and assigned texts, as arranged with the professor.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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