Learning objectives
1- knowing and comprehension capability
Analytic and logic-argumentative competence as to the logical-linguistic theories applied to natural language considered in the course. Discussion and analysis skills.
2- knowing and applied comprehension capabilities
Capacity in applying logic methods. Performing written texts, in which the reasoning exposition of personal thesis will be evaluate
3-4-5 independent judgment, communicative skills, learning capabilities
improving the capabilities of independent judgment on arguments concerning logical and linguistic theories and capabilities to evaluate different theoretical positions; skills in presenting own considerations in a coherent manner, adducing arguments for it.
There are no prerequisites. It is however useful to have a rudimentary knowledge of the logic of propositions and of the calculus of first order.
Course unit content
Subject of the course is the the concept of semantic category and the syntactic and semantic analysis of natural languages. We will consider some modern and contemporary theories of linguistic analysis; in particular those of Ajdukiewicz, Lambek, Montague.
Full programme
The questions at issue concern semantic categories as applied to the analysis of natural language. These issues will be explored with reference to the following authors / topics:
E. Husserl,
The concept of the category of meaning, substitutability (two expressions of the same semantic category are replaceable in selected contexts).
K. Ajdukiewicz,
The resumption of the theme of Husserl's semantic categories; the concept of syntactic connectivity derivation of the exponent
J. Lambek,
semantic categories, heuristic procedures, the derived categories, the calculation syntax.
R. Montague.
The form of grammar, logic and philosophical problems, the categorical lexicon, grammar, the intermediate logical language, translation, syntax-semantics.
Handouts can be downloaded from the website: http://www.slprbo.unipr.it (folder 'Documents') User and password for students enrolled in the course.
Ajdukiewicz, K. (1935). Die syntaktische Konnexität, “Studia Philosophica”, 1, [trad. it. in Bonomi (1973)].
Bonomi, A. (1973). La struttura logica del linguaggio, Bompiani, Milano.
De Palma, A. (1974). Linguaggio e sistemi formali, Einaudi, Torino.
Frege, G. (1891). Funktion und Begriff, Pohle, Jena; rist. in Frege (1967); [trad. it. in Bonomi (1973)].
Frege, G. (1892). Über Begriff und Gegenstand, “Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie”, 16, 192-205; rist. in Frege
(1967); [trad it. in A. Bonomi (1973)
Husserl, E. (1900-1901). Logische Untersuchungen, M. Niemeyer, Halle; [trad. it.: Husserl (1968)].
Husserl, E. (1968). Ricerche logiche, trad. it. a cura di G. Piana, Il Saggiatore, Milano
Lambek, J. (1958). The Mathematics of Sentence Structure, “American Mathematical Monthly”, 45, 207-23; [trad it. in De Palma
Montague, C. (1973). The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English, in Hintikka - Moravcsik - Suppes (1973), 221-
42, ora in Montague (1974).
Montague, C. (1974). Formal Philosophy, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven – London.
Teaching methods
Oral lessons
Assessment methods and criteria
Final written test: It consists in a set of questions aimed to verify the comprehension of the issues dealt with and the student's exposition skills
Final oral exam: the central issue is the discussion of the written text. Particular attention will be paid to: 1) the comprehension of texts; 2) the capacities to use a technical-philosophical language; 3) the clarity in circumscribing and exposing the various arguments considered in the course.
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