cod. 00556

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura greca (L-FIL-LET/02)
Filologia, linguistica e letteratura
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The student of Greek Literature will acquire a sound knowledge of the historical grammar and of metrical and stylistic issues; the students will become familiar to the history of Greek literature; the student will also develop the skills required for using the critical editions of the Greek texts; they will become acquainted with bibliographical and linguistic reference texts. This knowledge will be essential in order to continue the university curriculum in Greek language and literatur (triennal and biennal program). Students of Greek Literature (Philosophical Studies - 6 CFU) will have a personalized training course (see Greek Literature mod. A).


We recommend a basic knowledge of the Greek language and literature; there will be a preparatory course ("Greek 0"), addressed to those who have not previously dealt with the study of the Greek language (IDEA project). Students of Greek Literature - 6 CFU ("Philosophical Studies") and of Greek Literature mod. A are invited to arrange their training with the teacher before the start of the course (I part of the I semester).

Course unit content

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex: text and interpretation (I). Odyssey bk. VIII: text and interpretation (II). Students of Greek Literature - 6 CFU ("Philosophical Studies), are invited to follow the program of Greek Literature mod. A (= Sophocles' Oedipus Rex: text and interpretation [I]).

Full programme

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For the text and the translation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Odyssey bk. VIII, reference editions will be recommended at the beginning of the course. For the institutional part of the examination, including a selection of lyric poetry and Plato's Ion, see the extended program (PDF online at and in classroom from the beginning of the course). Students of Greek Literature (Philosophical Studies - 6 CFU) will have the same program of Greek Literature mod. A (= the history of Greek literature; an essay at choice).

Teaching methods

The teaching method in use is appropriate to the specific needs of the subject which requires the communication of the main course contents through classes; discussion with the students about textual and exegetical problems; tutorial programs for the students; practical exercises of Greek metre, historical grammar are on schedule. The final examination will include an oral exam to ascertain familiarity with course material.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students will be assessed by an oral examination based on the readings and other material used in the course and that will be administered at the end of the course. The assessment aims to test: 1) proper knowledge and critical understanding of the main themes of the history of the Greek literature; 2) good reading and translation of Greek texts; 3) critical and interpretation skills along the ability to produce personal reinterpretation; 4) oral proficiency; correct use of language; ability to give proper answers to the questions. Students will have to fully achieve the first 2 assessment criteria and score a minimum of 60 percent or better to get a pass grade. Students of Greek Literature mod. A and Greek Literature for Philosophical Studies are invited to arrange the examination program with the teacher.
You can divide the exam into two parts (partial and definitive trial).

Other information

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