cod. 06046

Academic year 2013/14
1° year of course - Second semester
Vallori RASINI
Academic discipline
Filosofia morale (M-FIL/03)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

Historical-critical analysis of the philosophical-anthropological and ethical research, especially in contemporary age; (D. 1); acquisition of acceptable abilities of reflection and discussion on the main problems concerning this research and eventually its epistemological results (D. 2); capability of critical approach to texts and philosophical materials (D. 3) and to take position in front of debatable questions (D. 4); the reinforcement of interpretative ability (D. 5).



Course unit content

1. Introduction to the importance of the study about Man in the history of western philosophy; 2. introduction to the contemporary German Philosophical Anthropology (M. Scheler, H. Plessner, A. Gehlen); 3. the Philosophy of Nature of H. Plessner and his theory of Man, with particular attention to the concept of “eccentricity” and to human expression.

Full programme

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H. Plessner, I gradi dell’organico e l’uomo, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2006 (parti da stabilire)
H. Plessner, Il riso e il pianto, Milano, Bompiani, 2007 ( parti da stabilire)
M.T. Pansera, Antropologia filosofica, Milano Mondadori, 2003
V. Rasini, L’essere umano, Roma, Carocci, 2008
V. Rasini, L’eccentrico, Milano Mimesis, 2013
- 1 volume a scelta in elenco da stabilire
[La bibliografia verrà meglio definita durante il corso]

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons; lecture and discussion of texts

Assessment methods and criteria

Final verbal examination. It will be judge the level of learning, the capability to discuss about the contents of the course and lexical competences.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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