Learning objectives
The course aims to define the main steps in the history of the ideas of nature through the philosophical and scientific sources (from Antiquity to the Modern Age) (D. 1).
Its purpose is the achievement of critical and dialectical skilfulness in dealing with the main problems concerning the ancient scientific texts (D. 2); as well as the improvement of critical capabilities in approaching classic sources and the development of an independent opinion in analysing an historical and philosophical context (D. 3/ 4).
Course unit content
1)Gnoseological patterns in the philosophical ancient sources (polarity and analogy; pre scientific mentality and the rationalization of Knowledge)
2)Ideas of nature and the logical framing of experience:
psychological issues.
3)Technique and operative wisdom during the Middle Ages.
4)The Rise of modern science in Europe (XVth – XVIIth centuries).
5)Epistemology and taxonomical systematics in the XVIIIth cent.
ARISTOTELE, Le parti degli animali, a cura di CARBONE A., Milano, Rizzoli, 2002.
ARISTOTLE, On the Parts of Animals, ed. by LENNOX J. G., Oxford, Oxford University Press 2002.
ARISTOTELE, Opere biologiche, a cura di LANZA D. e VEGETTI M., Utet, Torino 1996.
G. E. R. LLOYD, Scienza, folclore e ideologia: le scienze della vita nella Grecia antica, Torino, Boringhieri, 1987
G. E. R. LLOYD, Polarità e analogia: due modi di argomentazione nel pensiero greco classico, Napoli, Loffredo 1992.
G. E .R. LLOYD, Metodi e problemi della scienza greca, Roma, Laterza 1993.
M. D. GRMEK, Il Calderone di Medea: la sperimentazione sul vivente nell’antichità, Roma Laterza 1996.
P. ROSSI, La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa, Roma Laterza. 2009
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons; lecture and discussion of texts and sources