cod. 1005330

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia moderna (M-STO/02)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with:
- the ability to confront complex historiographical topics based on a sound knowledge of the lineages of Early Modern History as well as to read and critique documents and historical interpretations;
- the means to apply methodologies and notions acquired in analysing present day problems in the light of their historical origins;
- autonomy in evaluating interpretations of historical issues and in studying documentary sources. The ability to communicate at various levels the results of any research.



Course unit content

- Contemporary historiography tendencies in Early Modern politics.
- Key concepts of European identity and Western civilization (“balance of power”, “civil rights”, “tolerance”, “secularization”).
- Politics, institutions and diplomacy in its relationship with the dynamics of the State building, in Early Modern Italian and European context.
- Critical interpretation of documentary sources and texts of the current historiography.

Full programme

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1. From the volume, Storia moderna, Manuali Donzelli, 1998, the contributions of P. DEL NEGRO; F. BENIGNO; E. FASANO; R. PASTA; G. ABBATISTA; A.M. RAO.

2. One text chosen from the following:
W. BARBERIS, Le armi del Principe, Einaudi, 1988.
F. BARBIERATO, Politici e ateisti, Unicopli, 2006.
M. BELLABARBA, La giustizia nell’Italia moderna, Laterza, 2008.
E. FASANO GUARINI, Potere e società negli stati regionali italiani del ‘500 e ‘600, Il Mulino, 1978.
C. MOZZARELLI, Mantova e i Gonzaga, Utet, 1987.
A. MUSI, La rivolta d Masaniello. Nella scena politica barocca, Guida 2002.
P. PRODI, Il sovrano pontefice, Il Mulino, 1982.
G. SIGNOROTTO, Milano spagnola, Sansoni 2002.

Students who do not attend lectures must also read:
Le radici storiche dell’Europa. L’età moderna, a cura di M.A. VISCEGLIA, editrice Viella, 2007.

Teaching methods

Visits to archives and libraries will also be organised.
The lecturer will illustrate resources available on-line providing research guidelines.
External academics and scholars will be invited to hold seminars to discuss their research.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Final examination: oral.
• The examination will verify: the critical ability to analyse historical issues and their historiographical interpretations; the ability to analyse historical issues and their historiographical reconstruction; the ability to understand and evaluate Early Modern documents.
• The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between events and their historiographical interpretations. The student will also be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the essential lineages of European and Global history from the end of the XV century up to the mid-19th century.

Other information

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