Learning objectives
The course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the healthcare organization, understood as an entity that acts in a system where mechanisms and adjustments are influenced by many variables, depending on the type of system in which the organization acts.
After acquiring knowledge in the theory and analysis of the organization, the student will be able to apply them through the realisation of a project (following the methods of project management), and the mapping of a healthcare process.
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Course unit content
The course, which is divided into 5 lessons of 2 hours, will focus primarily on the theories and the analysis of the organization.
These issues will be introduced in the first lesson thanks to a general overview on the concept of the health system and existing models.
The 2nd and 3rd lessons will instead be devoted to an excursus on the theories and the models of organization as well as an introduction to major paradigms and methods of organization’s analysis.
In the 4th and in the 5th lessons tools to understand and improve the organization will be presented and tested: project management, process re-engineering.
Full programme
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Palier, La Réforme des systèmes de Santé, Presse Universitaire de France, Paris, 2004
- Hatch, Teoria dell’organizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna,2009
- Strati, L’Analisi organizzativa, Carocci, Roma, 2004
- Project Management Institute, A guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), USA, 2008
Teaching methods
The theory on health systems and the theory of organisation’s analysis will be learned through lectures in which students will be encouraged to discuss.
The lessons dedicated to the acquisition of tools will instead be dominated by group exercises and exchanges among peers.
Assessment methods and criteria
The achievement of the learning objectives of the course will be evaluated thanks to an oral examination that will establish the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and their understanding. With the final grade of the course we will also compete evaluations of exercises that will be conducted in the classroom.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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