Course unit partition: PIACENZA

Academic year 2014/15
3° year of course - First semester
Gemma COLI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
13 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The teaching program, designed for students of the third year of the degree course in Physiotherapy, consistent with the very limited time allocated to teaching and to the vastness of the subject and taking into account previous experience in orthopedics acquired by students,aims to improve the execution of mobilization techniques of the musculoskeletal system, enriching and integrating them with new theoretical and practical contents with the aim to provide to the students, at the end of course, a good knowledge of the basic principles that constitute the raional reasoning biomechanical and clinical of the "best practice" in the art of manual therapy


Good knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics, internship experience in orthopedics

Course unit content

Based on observing global human motion, upright posture, gait, monopodalic stance and their biomechanical aspects, it leads the student to carry out a proper loco-regional (local) examination and to identify dysfunctional situations where mobility is altered in quality/quantity during movement passive/active

Full programme

In the theoretical session: brief history and practice of manual medicine; role of the musculoskeletal system; neurological control concept; ART (asymmetry, motor range, altered tissues) diagnostic triad for somatic dysfunction; clinical goals of manual treatment (analgesic and/or biological); a brief introduction on the movement barriers and restriction of movement; prescription to manual processing; contraindications to the manual therapy procedures (joint hypermobility, instability).
In the practice session: general examination; levels and anatomical landmarks in static position; static analysis of upright and monopodalic posture; gait analysis; locoregional examination; rolling skin test; sensitivity to motion (hypomobility/hypermobility); angular movements; translatory movements; game articular; physiological limit of movement; anatomical limit of movements; pathological limit of movement; mild and severe restrictions of movement; "zero" position (neutral position); rest position; traction stages of joint and joint mobilization (Maitland); rule of the concavity; rule of the convexity; amplitude gain through muscle energy techniques; special tests and provocation test


* Greenman P., DeStefano L:, Principles of Manual Medicine, Futura Publishing Society 2012
*Shneider W., Dvoràk J., Dvoràk V., Tritschler T., Médecine manuelle thérapeutique, Masson 1989
* Petty N.J., Moore A.P., Neuromusculoskeletal Examination and Assessment in Manual Therapy, Elsevier Masson 2000
* Multimedia Tutor Med-rehab, Utet-Medical Science

Teaching methods

Lessons will be both theoretical and practical, the first part of each session involves teaching of biomechanical/clinical concepts and mechanism of action;in the second part there will be practical exercises where particular attention will be placed in the correct execution of basic techniques in reference to the position of physiotherapist, point of application and direction/strenght of the force. Also during the theoretical part wil be used movies and specific multimedia

Assessment methods and criteria

At the end of the course will be given a test with 5 open-ended questions:
1. What is the joint play?
2. Describe the rules of the concavity/convexity
3. What are the barriers to the anatomical, physiological and pathological movement?
4. Describe what is the point of application, direction, intensity and application time of a force applied to a joint
5. Describe two techniques (traction glenohumeral and progression in the stretching techniques of the posterior capsule shoulder).
There will be a practical test with the execution of a technique choose among 10 selected technical too

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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