Learning objectives
Clinic Microbiology is a part of the integrated course of Pathology, Pharmacology, and Microbiology.
The teaching aims to provide the student with essential knowledge and understanding on the basics of bacteriology, virology and host-pathogen interactions.
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Course unit content
General bacteriology. General virology. Transmission of infectiopus diseases. Elements on infectious diseases of interest for physiotherapists.
Full programme
General bacteriology:
The prokaryotic cell: general organization, morphology and physiology.
Reproduction of microorganisms. The microorganism/host relationship:
commensalism, symbiosis, parasitism. Microbial flora. Pathogenicity and
v i r u l e n c e .
G e n e r a l v i r o l o g y :
General characteristics of viruses, Structural and chemical composition
o f v i r i o n s ,
Phases of the viral replication process.
Transmission of pathogens. Diagnosis of infectious disease.
Basic information on infections of skin, CNS, osteoarticular system.
Richard A. Harvey, Pamela C. Champe, Bruce D. Fisher LE BASI DELLA MICROBIOLOGIA (con approfondimenti clinici) Edito da Zanichelli
Teaching methods
Interactive oral lessons
Assessment methods and criteria
No interim exam is scheduled. The exam will be oral. For the modalities, see the site of the integrated course.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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