cod. 21971

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - First semester
Cristina POZZOLI
Academic discipline
Farmacologia (BIO/14)
Scienze medico chirurgiche
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge of principles of general pharmacology. Knowledge of neuromuscolar drugs, of drugs used for central and pheripheral nervous system, and of drugs for osteoarticular disease.
Capability of applying knowledge to conditions of interest for the physiotherapist.


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Course unit content

Elements of general pharmacology: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Modifiers of drug effects. Drug toxicity. Special pharmacology: neuromuscolar drugs, pain therapy, antiinflammatory drugs, antirheumatic and antigout drugs.

Full programme

General pharmacology. What is pharmacology. Drugs. Basic pharmacodynamics: sites and mechanisms of action, agonists and antagonists, partial agonists, the dose-effect relationship.
Basic pharmacokinetics: how drugs reach their site of action, routes of administration, drug adsorption. Drug-protein binding and drug biodistribution.
Drug biotransformation. Drug excretion. Pharmacokinetic parameters: bioavailability, apparent distribution volume, plasma drug half-life, clearance. Conditions modifying drug effects: drug interactions, the importance of patient conditions. Tolerance and resistance. Drug toxicity:
collateral and unwanted events.
Special pharmacology:
Neuromuscular drugs: depolarizing and competitive blocking agents, botulinum, central (GABAergic) and preripheral myorelaxant agents. Drugs for myasthenia gravis: anticholinesterase drugs, steroids, immunosuppressant drugs.
Anti-Parkinson agents.
Analgesic drugs: opiates and non-opiate analgesics; local anesthetics.
Antiinflammatory drugs: NSAIDs, non-selective COX inhibitors; COX-2 preferential and COX2-selective NSAIDs; steroids (glucocorticoids).
Antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), antigout drugs (colchicine, allopurinol, uricosuric agents).
Drugs for Arthrosis: condroprotective drugs.


Dale, Haylett "Elementi di farmacologia" Compendio per l'esame. Ed. Mediche Scientifiche Internazionali EMSI;
Clark M.A., Finkel R. "Le basi della farmacologia" 2° Edizione Italiana sulla 5° edizione americana, Zanichelli Editore, 2013.

Teaching methods

Interactive oral lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

No interim evaluation is programmed. The final evaluation will consist in an oral examination.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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