Course units and programme of study

The Programme of Study is the set of compulsory and elective courses that the student must take in order to graduate.
Submission of the Programme of Study for one's year of enrolment is compulsory and is necessary, above all, for registering for examinations and completing the teaching evaluation questionnaires.
All current students must submit their Programme of Study online via the Esse3 system The Programme of Study may differ depending on the academic year of enrolment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different study paths ('curriculum').
For a list of the courses that can be included in the Programme of Study, select the academic year of enrolment and, if available, the curriculum.
Search the curriculum

List of courses

How the programme of study works

The list of courses in the Programme of Study represents the set of training activities that can be envisaged for each of the years of which the course of study consists and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. Free or restricted-choice' subjects are optional learning activities that students may include in their Programme of Study according to the choice criteria specified on this page; the remaining subjects are compulsory for all students.
The Programme of Study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the Esse3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own Programme of Study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in Esse3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's educational objectives. In that case, the programme of study must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.

Programmes of study a.y. a.a. 2024/2025

The attached document shows the study plan to be followed by male and female students who matriculate (first-year enrollment) in A.Y. 2024/2025.

Courses activated in a.y. 2024/2025

The attached document shows all the courses activated in A.Y. 2024/2025 (including elective courses offered by the degree program)

Guide to "free" choice of educational activities (educational offerings provided a.y. 2024/2025

With regard to the choice activities (TAF D), provided in the study plan in the 4th and 5th years, students may choose, by including them in the study plan without the need for any prior authorization (except as provided in item 5), the following teachings/activities:

1) Teachings offered by the DEGREE COURSE;

2) Teachings recommended but offered by other DEPARTMENTAL DEGREE COURSES.

N.B. To know the list of activated teachings, please consult the document "Educational offerings provided a.y. 2023/2024".

3) Teachings in the field of economics activated in the Department of Economics and Business Sciences.

Students interested in the profession of Labor Consultant may include in their study plan choice teachings activated by the Department of Economic and Business Sciences and taught for at least 6 CFU, belonging to the fields: SECS-P/07 (Business Economics); SECS-P/08 (Economics and Business Management); SECS-P/10 (Business Organization).

4) Business English (L-LIN/12-6 CFU) - activated at the Department of Economics and Business Sciences - CdL Economics and Management

4) Curricular transversal teachings, for at least 6 CFU, as specified from year to year by the Course Council. For A.Y. 2024/2025

5) Teachings activated IN OTHER DEPARTMENTS, not specified above.


If a student wishes to choose teachings other than those indicated above, he/she may propose their inclusion, as long as they are activated for at least 6 CFUs, at other Courses of Study of the University. In this case, he/she will have to fill in the REQUEST FORM, at least 5 days before the meeting of the Course Council prior to the closing of the period available for the online upload of study plans. The student should indicate the reasons for his or her choice and the Course Council will evaluate, on a case-by-case basis, the consistency of the proposed choice with the study plan and, if consistent, will authorize the Student Secretariat to include the chosen teaching in the study plan, in time for online uploading.


For teachings with a number of CFUs greater than 6, the CFUs acquired by passing the relevant proficiency exam will still be counted in the Students' career, in excess of the 300 CFUs required for graduation.


In lieu of only one teaching by choice (TAF D), students may include in their study plan the activities listed below. The CFUs acquired through the performance of these activities, in order to count in lieu of a single choice teaching (TAF D), must be at least 6, even attributable to more than one of the activities listed. Any CFUs in excess of the total of 6 acquired through the performance of the activities listed below will still remain certified in the student's or student's career:

1) free participation activities: (sports, cultural, artistic or social activities, certified in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations for free participation activities");


2) Universal Civilian Service: students who have performed Universal Civilian Service and expressly request it may be recognized 6 CFUs as a choice activity as an alternative to the recognition of any free participation activities (cultural, artistic, sports or social). In this case, for recognition, the student will make the appropriate request, filling out the FORM , attaching appropriate certification. The Degree Council will authorize the recognition without the need to know what activities the student/student has concretely carried out. In the event that the student/student is unwilling or unable to apply for the recognition referred to in the preceding paragraph, the student/student may apply for the recognition of 6 CFUs as an internship. In this case, however, the activity carried out must be congruent with the student's/student's study plan and the educational activity of the degree program. The procedure for recognition will be the one usually followed for the educational equivalence of external activities independently carried out by the student/student to curricular formative internships;

3) curricular cross-curricular training activities: activities that do not involve a final examination or that involve CFUs of less than 6; for A.Y. 2024/25;

4) curricular training activity Business English (B2 - 3 CFU), offered in the Department of Economics and Business Sciences;

5) participation in Summer Schools or other similar international training courses promoted by the University of Parma, with the competence of the Department's Commission for Internationalization.

In the a.y. 2023/2024, recognition is expected for the following Summer Schools.

- CODE: GIUSPI2 - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BELGIUM) - Summer School on EU Policy Making -03/07/2023 - 14/07/2023- 5 ECTS (5 curricular international CFUs);

- CODE: GIUSPI3- Comillas Universidad Pontificia (SPAIN) - Summer school on European affairs- 26/06/2023 - 30/06/2023- 3 ECTS (3 curricular international CFUs).


Double degree

a) Students who won the double degree project with the Faculdade de Direito of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Porto Alegre (Brazil), starting in their second year, follow the Programme of Study indicated in the Double Degree Protocol

b) Students who won the double degree project in "LLM in Corporate Law and Finance" or  in "General LLM with Concentration in Human Rights and Dignity Law", starting in their fourth year, follow the Programme of Study indicated in the Double Degree Protocol


Online completion of the Programme of Study - ESSE3

Every year, within a set period, regularly enrolled students (not students not completing the course within the prescribed time) must complete the Programme of Study for their year in Esse3.
The online submission of the Programme of Study is mandatory and is necessary, above all, for registering for examinations and filling in the teaching evaluation questionnaires

Compilation periods

For the a.y. 2024/2025 the Programme of Study must be completed online in the period:

  • from 07/10/2024 to 06/12/2024
  • from 10/03/2025 to 22/05/2025 (for those who were unable to submit their Programme of Study in the first period or for those who wish to make changes)

Guide to the online completion of the Programme of Study - procedure

The procedure for completing the Programme of Study is as follows:
The generic procedure for compiling the Programme is as follows:

  • Go to the page: Esse3;
  • From the menu at the top right (3 white lines) click on LOGIN and enter your username ( and password;
  • Also from the menu, click on the item STUDY PLAN (Career plan)
  • First year students: click on NEW PLAN
  • Second, third, fourth and fifth year students: click on the MODIFY PLAN button (at the bottom of the page, under the previous years' courses)
  • Read and follow the instructions by moving from one rule to the next with the
  • Next rule button until you reach the last rule.
  • Click on CONFIRM PLAN and finally on CONFIRM DEFINITELY
  • Finally, fill in the satisfaction questionnaire.

>> Guide to the online completion of the Programme of Study (italian version)

Instructions for students not completing the course within the prescribed time and special cases

Fifth-year students must pay close attention to the choice they make in their final year.
Students not completing the course within the prescribed time, if they wish to change to an activity of their choice, will have to enrol in the REPEAT year V.
This means that:

  • the student may not graduate in the academic year. 2021/2022;
  • as for the other years, before taking the examination of the new courses, the student must acquire attendance (i.e. wait until the end of the semester of the course in order to be able to take the examination);
  • the student will be enrolled in the current system for V-year students (A.A. Programme of Study). 2018/2019). Therefore, the student will have to follow a new order, with the obligation to take core examinations not provided for in their original order.


To make it easier for V-year students, an additional period has been introduced in which it is possible to change choices and/or the placement (15 May - 25 May 2023).

*Students not completing the course within the prescribed time may NOT complete the online Programme of Study.
See rule described in the notice above.
STUDENTS UNDER CONDITION Students enrolled under condition may NOT submit their Programme of Study either online or on paper.
STUDENTS ENROLLED IN A FULL-TIME DEGREE COURSE Students enrolled in a full-time degree course (four-year degree course in Law, specialised degree course in Law, three-year degree course in Legal Sciences, three-year degree course in Legal Services) are NOT required to submit a Programme of Study.

Who to contact

For any problems with programmes of study (e.g. registration with exams taken elsewhere, inability to complete the programme) and student careers (e.g. curricular activities that do not appear) please contact the Student registry office (Strada del Prato 4/1A). E-mail: .
For advice on filling in online, please contact the Quality Assurance office (Via Università, 7). E-mail:
For concrete support during the compilation of the Programme of Study, you can contact the Education Manager on Teams (contact:, also by simply using chat.
Useful University LINKS:

Courses activated in A.Y. 2023/2024

The attached document shows all the courses activated in A.Y. 2023/2024 (including elective courses offered by the degree program)