Student tutors
Tutors assist students in their academic life and can be contacted via e-mail or met in person (box on the first floor, on the left, central building of the Department).
IBD student tutors are:
- Dalila Baldini (, online (Teams) or in person (by appointment) on Thursdays, h. 17-18.
- Chiara Bacchilega (, online (Teams) or in person (by appointment) on Mondays, h. 10-11.
The student tutor is an experienced student or PhD or postgraduate student who puts his or her practical experience at the service of those in need.
In particular, they are responsible for:
- welcoming new students,
- assisting with the compilation of programmes of study,
- advising on the course catalogue (curriculum, prerequisites, examinations),
- helping with the organisation of study and examinations, and supplementary didactic activities,
- helping to find information on international mobility and curricular internships,
- relations with the administrative services.