Enrolment procedures and deadlines

Italian and foreign students follow different enrolment procedures.
Students holding an Italian first-cycle degree must check their degree class and their first-cycle degree mark. For marks below 95 and for some classes, an interview is required.
EU candidates must follow the procedure indicated on the University website for the Admission Procedure.
Non-EU students must follow a pre-evaluation procedure to be admitted to IBD. Second call for applications: from 1 to 30 June 2024.
All students must meet the English language requirement.

Language requirement (all students)

The English language requirement for IBD is one of the following certificates (students enrolled in 2024-25):

  • IELTS (International English Language System), 5.5 (obtained in 2019 or later).
  • ETS iBT TOEFL, 60 (obtained in 2019 or later).
  • Cambridge English Language Assessment, First (FCE) or Business Vantage (BEC).
  • TRINITY COLLEGE ISE, Minimum level II.
  • ETS TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), Listening and Reading Test and Speaking and Writing Test. Minimum scores: Listening (275); Reading (275); Speaking (160); Writing (150).

Students may enrol for IBD without a certificate, but are required to produce one of the above certificates by the end of the first academic year (September 2025). Students who do not obtain a certificate will not be permitted to take second-year exams. 
Only students whose mother tongue is English and students who have completed a first or second level degree delivered and examined in English are exempt from this requirement. This condition must appear on the degree certificate.

[Students enrolled in 2023-24 must meet the language requirement by September 2024, with certifications obtained in 2019 or later]

Italian candidates enrolling in 2024-25

Holders of the following first-cycle Italian degree certificates with a final mark of 95 or over are admitted to IBD with no further requirement. 

Class Former 270/04 (Former 509/99)       

  • L-10 (5) Humanities
  • L-11 (11) Modern language and civilisations
  • L-12 (12) Applied Languages
  • L-15 (39) Tourism
  • L-18 (17) Business administration
  • L-20 (14) Communication
  • L-33 (28) Economics
  • L-36 (15) Political science and international relations
  • L-37 (35) Peace studies
  • L-40 (36) Sociology

The student registry office of the Department of Economics and Management verifies the validity of the degree certificate presented by the applicant.
Applicants holding a degree certificate as specified above, but with a final mark below 95, are required to attend an interview. The dates for the interviews in 2024 are the following:

  • Thursday, July 18, h. 11 a.m.
  • Wednesday. September 4, h. 13 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 15, h. 11 a.m.
  • Thursday, November 21, h. 11 a.m.
  • Thursday, December 19 h. 11 a.m.

The application for the interview (see the application form below) must be scanned and sent to didattica.sea@unipr.it. Applications will be accepted until 12 noon on the day before the selected interview date.
Interviews will take place in prof. Fabbri's office (Palazzina Feroldi, first floor).
Applications from candidates holding degree certificates from classes other than those listed above should be submitted to the student registry office for assessment by the Admission Committee.
The enrolment procedures for Italian students (after the Admission Committee evaluation, if necessary) are available on the university website.
Application guidelines and deadlines are published on the Manifesto degli Studi (Prospectus).

EU candidates enrolling in 2025-26 (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Republic of San Marino, Switzerland, and refugees)

EU candidates must follow the procedure indicated on the University of Parma website.
For EU candidates apply evalutation of their academic career. Please contact Prof. Paolo Fabbri.

Non-EU candidates enrolling in 2025-2026

First call for applications for second-cycle degree courses in English fo non-EU candidates: from  February 20th to April 22nd 2025. 

Second call for applications: from May 10th to June 20th 2025.

Students applying to IBD second-cycle degree course, must apply for career prevalence (pre-evaluation) according to the above calendar.
Elegibility Criteria: applicants holding a bachelor's degree with full marks (90% and more) in IBD fields of study (Economics, Political Science, Law, Business and Management) by the date of the application, will be given preferential qualification/access.
The maximum number of foreign students admitted to IBD is 40.

Foreign candidates and students with a non-Italian degree must register on the University computer system. The registration can be done anytime before the starting date of enrolment. You will need these credentials to access the application procedure and all the other procedures regarding your student career. The application procedure will be made available online to all students as soon as possible

Candidates applying for admission to International Business and Development should apply using the appropriate UNIPR link. In addition, candidates should use this UNIPR link for registration in the University information system ESSE3. If the documentation is complete, the University will carry out a preliminary assessment of the qualifications.


Toll-free number

800 904 084


Toll-free number
800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.economia@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
rag. Anna De Vita
T. +39 0521 902296
E. didattica.sea@unipr.it
E. anna.devita@unipr.it

President of degree course

prof. Andrea Lasagni
E-mail: info.ibd@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

prof.ssa Donata Tania Vergura
E. donatatania.vergura@unipr.it

Carrier guidance delegate

prof. Franco Mosconi
E. franco.mosconi@unipr.it

Tutor professors

prof. Paolo Fabbri
E. paolo.fabbri@unipr.it
prof. Vincenzo Dall'Aglio
E. vincenzo.dallaglio@unipr.it

Erasmus delegate

prof. Andrea Cilloni
E. andrea.cilloni@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

prof. Vincenzo Dall'Aglio
E. vincenzo.dallaglio@unipr.it


prof. Paolo Fabbri
E. paolo.fabbri@unipr.it

Student Tutors

dott. Dalila Baldini
E. dalila.baldini@unipr.it
dott. Chiara Bacchilega
E. chiara.bacchilega@unipr.it