cod. 1008446

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Federico RIGHI
Academic discipline
Nutrizione e alimentazione animale (AGR/18)
Discipline zootecniche e delle produzioni animali
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Consolidate the knowledges concerning the biological cycles and the breeding systems of the main livestock animals and provide the basis for the relative evaluation within a sustainability perspective.
To make the student understand the role of nutrition in determining the sustainability of a livestock, also taking into account the concepts connected with animal welfare and the legislation concerning environmental impact.
Transfer to the student the knowledge related to the general characteristics of the rations of the different categories of animals of the different livestock species and of the feeds necessary for their formulation.
Transfer to the student the ability to formulate sustainable rations in accordance with the criteria of "Livestock Farming with Care" and in a perspective of "Precision Farming".
Provide the basis for conducting a life cycle assessment in the area of livestock production systems.


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Course unit content

The course will provide students the necessary knowledge for the formulation and evaluation of rations for the main domestic livestock animals with a view to "Precision Farming" and in compliance with the “Livestock Farming with Care” criteria, as well as the related legislation. The rations will be studied and formulated for the different categories of animals of each species based on the knowledge of the relative biological cycles and breeding systems that will be treated briefly within the course.

Full programme

o General information
- The criteria of the "Livestock Farming with Care" and the "Precision Farming"
- Animal nutrition, efficiency and sustainability
- Legislative aspects related to the animal welfare and the livestock environmental impact

o Sustainable feeding for milk production (dairy cow, dairy sheep, dairy goat)
o Biological cycles and sustainability of dairy ruminant production systems
o Lactation curve and quantitative and qualitative production
o Feeding, nutrition and modification of the quality of milk and dairy products
o Feeding strategies and sustainable rationing of adult animals and growing animals
- Prevention of digestive and metabolic diseases of dairy ruminants
- Economic sustainability of feeding strategies and of dairy ruminant rationing

o Sustainable feeding for the production of ruminant meat (beef cattle and small ruminants)
o Biological cycles and sustainability of the ruminant meat production systems
o Feeding, nutrition and modification of the quality of the carcass and meat from ruminants
o Feeding strategies and sustainable rationing of adult animals and growing animals
- Prevention of digestive and metabolic diseases of ruminants for meat production
- Economic sustainability of feeding strategies and of ruminant rationing for meat production

o Sustainable feeding for the production of monogastrics meat (pigs, poultry and rabbits)
o Biological cycles and sustainability of the monogastric meat production systems
o Feeding, nutrition and modification of the quality of the carcass and meat from monogastrics
o Feeding strategies and sustainable rationing of adult animals and growing animals
- Prevention of digestive and metabolic deases of monogastrics for meat production
- Economic sustainability of food strategies and of monogastric rationing for meat production

o Sustainable feeding for egg production
o Biological cycles and sustainability of the laying hens production systems
o Production and biosynthesis of egg components
o Feeding, nutrition and egg quality modifications
o Feeding strategies and sustainable rationing of adult animals and growing animals
- Prevention of digestive and metabolic diseases of the laying hens
- Economic sustainability of feeding strategies and rationing of laying hens

o Basics of fish feeding and nutrition

o Evaluation of the environmental impact of livestocks
- Life cycle assessment of livestock production systems


Bruno Stefanon, Marcello Mele, Giuseppe Pulina,
Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale. Ed. Franco Angeli, 1a edizione

Power point presentation showed during classes

Scientific papers as indicated by the lecturer

Other books for further information:
- Maria Teresa Pacchioli, Giuseppe Fattori (2014) Gli alimenti per la vacca da latte: i foraggi. Ed. Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali – C.R.P.A. S.p.A.
- Cevolani D. (2005) Gli alimenti per la vacca da latte. Edagricole, Bologna.
- National Research Council (2001) Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Seventh Revised Edition, 2001. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Ernesto Correale (2015) Il bufalo. Allevamento e gestione. Edagricole-New Business Media
- Giuseppe Cuttone (2016) Guida all’allevamento della pecora da latte. Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie
- Fabio Bencetti (2014) Guida all’allevamento della capra. Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie
- FRAPE D. (2004) - Equine nutrition & feeding. 3rd ed .Blackwell Publishing, Oxford ,UK.
- NRC (1989) - Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Fifth Revised Edition ,National Research Council, Washington D.C.
- National Research Council (2006) Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Silvia Cerolini, Margherita Marzoni Fecia, Cossato, Isabella Romboli (2008) Avicoltura e coniglicoltura. Ed. Le Point Veterinaire Italie

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises with computer support

Assessment methods and criteria

The student will be assessed through an oral interview that will take place in 3 successive phases, each characterised by the request to answer a complex question; for the evaluation of the answer to each question, a scoring system from 1 to 10 will be applied. The sum of the votes deriving from the answers to the 3 questions will constitute the final vote. The evaluation related to each question the following criteria will be applied:

1) 0-2: the student demonstrates that he does not know or know in an extremely fragmented and mnemonic way the subject addressed and knows the technical language inadequately.
2) 3-5: the student demonstrates to know in a fragmentary and mnemonic way the subject addressed and uses a poor technical language
3) 6-7: the student demonstrates to know in an organic, albeit superficial, way the subject covered, and is able to sketch reasoning about assimilated contents, demontratic a basic technical languag knowledge
4) 8-9: the student demonstrates to know in an organic way, and in a relatively deep level, the topic dealt with, and is able to make arguments about assimilated contents and use an appropriate technical language
5) 10: the student demonstrates a deep knowledge of the subject dealt with, and is able to carry out articulated reasoning regarding assimilated contents with a high command of technical language

In exceptional cases, written verification is required. With regard to students with specific learning problems, the dispensing measures and compensatory tools are applied, eg oral tests, use of PCs with spell checker and speech synthesis, but above, an estimated time up to a maximum of 30% will be granted. As an alternative, a quantitative reduction will be provided. In any case, the evaluation logic carried out, in these circumstances, will evaluate the contents rather than the form.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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