Obiettivi formativi
Students will acquire deep understanding on what animal welfare is and why it is matter. Students will develop skills in assessing welfare in livestock using the most recent welfare assessment tools developed around the world. Animal welfare indicators will be described along with new technologies developed for monitoring animal behaviour and welfare. Particular emphasis will be given on animal welfare issues (i.e. housing and management, transportation, stunning and killing), and using scenario based learning the students will learn how to minimise stress and sufferance of the animals during those phases of life. Students will become familiar with the current European regulations on animal care ‘from farm to fork’ and with the most common infringements of the European laws. The nexus between animal health and welfare, human health and wellbeing and environment will be also described. Therefore, at the end of the course students will be able to identify all possible hazards and risk factors for poor animal and human health and welfare
Contenuti dell'insegnamento
• Animal welfare definition
• Animal welfare assessment tools
• Animal welfare issues (housing and management, transport, stunning and killing)
• Identification and analysis of the main hazards/stressors during animal production life
• Most common zoonosis: nexus between welfare and immune system
• Nexus between animal welfare and food quality
• The European Union legislation on animal welfare
Risk assessment (risk factors for poor welfare, health and productivity from birth to slaughter)
Programma esteso
• Animal welfare definition
• Animal welfare assessment tools
• Animal welfare issues (housing and management, transport, stunning and killing)
• Identification and analysis of the main hazards/stressors during animal production life
• Most common zoonosis: nexus between welfare and immune system
• Nexus between animal welfare and food quality
• The European Union legislation on animal welfare
Risk assessment (risk factors for poor welfare, health and productivity from birth to slaughter)
Notes of lectures; scientific publications
Metodi didattici
Student-centred approach, active learning approach, face-to-face lectures, scientific seminaries, on farm visits, tutorials, scenario-based learning, problem-based learning
Modalità verifica apprendimento
The students will present a risk assessment outcome table at the oral final exam.
The oral examination will verify the theoretical and applicative knowledges of the student. Particularly positive will be evaluated the ability to move within the different topics and the achievement of an organic knowledge of the topics presented during the lessons
Altre informazioni
Useful to understand how to perform risk analysis in animal welfare applied by EFSA