cod. 1009242

Anno accademico 2023/24
2° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Statistica economica (SECS-S/03)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
48 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: UNIBO

Obiettivi formativi

By the end of the course, students will acquire an understanding of the economic forces behind the functioning of food markets, as well as of the most important food policy instruments. Models and quantitative methods for the analysis of food systems and of the most relevant food policies will also be introduced to students. A special focus on the role of safety in the food market, risk behaviors and food safety policies will be provided


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

• Food supply and food demand: price, trade, technological progress
• The market for food safety
• Market failure and foodborne risks, asymmetric information and moral hazard
• Information economics and policy: the market for news
• Elements of behavioural economics: risk perception, risk attitudes and consumer behaviour under uncertainty
• A taxonomy of food policies: market vs. information measures
 Information policies and social marketing
 Fiscal policies: taxes and subsidies
 Regulations and food standards
 Trade measures and non-tariff barriers
• Quantitative policy analysis and empirical case studies: statistical and economic models for policy analysis and evaluation will be presented through applied case studies from the academic and grey literature

Programma esteso

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The course is based on lecture notes and chapters/articles provided through the e-learning platform

Metodi didattici

The course consists of a combination of theoretical lectures, applied case studies and quantitative tutorials.
This course provides a set of case studies on the economics and policy of food safety. The e-learning platform will enable access to interactive contents, data and case studies, Stata commands.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

During the course, students will be provided with case studies from selected scientific articles and will be required to write an essay dealing with the economic and policy analysis.
For those students who do not deliver the essay, or fail, it will be possible to take an oral exam with multiple-choice and open-ended questions on the foundations of food economics and policy, and on the interpretation of a case study.

Altre informazioni

FAO - Food and Agriculture Statistics
Economic impacts of local and regional food systems – Data warehouse
CABI - Agricultural Economics Database
OECD - Data on food systems
European Commission – Farm economics
US Department of Agriculture – Data products
FRED – Economic data
vam food security analysis – Economic explorer

To be booked by sending an e-mail to: