Obiettivi formativi
To understand the importance of botany in relation to human behavior and culture. The course illustrates the interdisciplinarity of the naturalistic-humanities sciences, placing the relationship 'plants and man' at the center of scientific research.
Students will improve their knowledge on the following topics:
- concepts and practice on interdisciplinarity;
- theoretical basis and applications of the ethnobotanical research;
- cultural evolution and role of plants in the (past and on-going) process.
Program expected results
In accordance to Dublin descriptors:
• Knowledge and understanding of ethnobotany and the relationships
between humans and plants
• Applying knowledge and understanding in ethnobotanical investigations
• Making judgements on use/value-recognition of traditional plant resources
• Communication skills improvement in the English and scientific topics
• Improvements in the MOOC learnig skills.
Basic Plant Biology
Contenuti dell'insegnamento
The course introduces Ethnobotany as the science which study the (environmental and cultural) relationships between humans and plants, with focus on medicinal and food plants. It is organized in 22 slide shows reporting information on three main topics:
1- Introduction: definition, history, associations and modernity of the research (4 lessons); the transition from an observatory science to an academic field; an evergreen field of research with increasing new attention to local traditions and folk-lore and TEK.
2- Methods of investigation, data collection and first studies (5 lessons); participative interviews and inventory; data collection and processing; reports and reproducibility;
3- Case studies (from the European project PaCE, to archaeobotany and the network BRAIN; examples of palaeoethnobotany from the Sahara and from the Mediterranean Basin). Future applications of Ethnobotany.
Programma esteso
Office hours: the teacher replies to questions via email, and can receive students every day by appointment via email.
Link to the cv:
Metodi didattici
The course is in English and made as MOOC (Massive Open Online Course on the EDUOPEN platform). It consists of 22 slide shows (about 15' each) showing the professor who talks and use pictures and written texts to explain the content of the lesson. After the first 10 lessons, there is one test with multiple replies; a second test must be filled after further 11 lessons.
Assessment methods
Oral examination after passing all MOOC assignments in three steps: 1- see and listen the lessons; 2- compile two tests (10 questions each - one after lesson n.10 and one after lesson n. 21); 3- post a file asking for the exam: oral exam with the teacher.
There is a final composition "Tell a story of plants and humans" (One or two pages text). It is not required to send it before the exam, but take it to the exam.
Modalità verifica apprendimento
Oral examination after passing all MOOC assignments in three steps: 1- see and listen the lessons; 2- compile two tests (10 questions each - one after lesson n.10 and one after lesson n. 21); 3- post a file asking for the exam: oral exam with the teacher.
There is a final composition "Tell a story of plants and humans" (One or two pages text). It is not required to send it before the exam, but take it to the exam.
Altre informazioni
Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
SI: 4, 10, 15