cod. 1008428

Anno accademico 2023/24
2° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Caterina LUPINI
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Malattie infettive degli animali domestici (VET/05)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Tipologia attività formativa
24 ore
di attività frontali
3 crediti
sede: UNIBO

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: Farm biosecurity and foodborne risk

Obiettivi formativi

After completing this course, students will be able: to assess the quality of biosecurity measures applied in farms and manage the risk factors; to propose practical, economically feasible and flexible initiatives to reduce the zoonotic hazards at primary production level.


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The course will treat the control measures that can be applied on farm to control zoonosis and food borne infectious disease to implement a longitudinal integrated food safety assurance approach in the pre -harvest phase of the food chain, in compliance with national and international guidelines and legislation.
Lessons will deliver outlines on the major zoonosis and will cover principles of biosecurity, vaccination and hygiene practices applied in food producing animal farms.
The practical part of the course will consist of visits to farms to practice the assessment of possible risk factors related to their structural characteristics and management. Working groups will be formed for the preparation of reports on the overall risks identified in the visited farms, discussion of the collected data and proposals to effectively achieve zoonosis prevention, improvement of animal health and welfare and consequently increase food safety.

Programma esteso

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Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine-From principles to practice
Edited by: Jeroen Dewulf, Ghent University, Belgium, Filip Van Immerseel, Ghent University, Belgium

Verranno forniti agli studenti i file della presentazione power point delle lezioni e dei seminari.

Metodi didattici

Front lectures, seminars held by experts and visits to farms.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

The assessment takes place through an oral interview.

Altre informazioni

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