cod. 1009240

Anno accademico 2022/23
2° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali (VET/06)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
24 ore
di attività frontali
3 crediti
sede: -

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: ONE HEALTH IN FOOD SAFETY

Obiettivi formativi

Students will acquire knowledge on the main food-borne zoonotic parasites transmitted through consumption of fresh (including raw and undercooked or poorly processed meat/fish) or processed food. The students will acquire knowledges also on the methodologies for their detection, characterisation and tracing, their occurrence and survival in relevant food matrices, the importance of food as a vehicle of infection and the possible control measures along the whole food chain.


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

• Develop a ranked list of food-borne parasite of global importance and their life cycle;
• Review of the current methods for the detection, identification, characterisation and tracing of the main food-borne parasites in foods that may be likely vehicles of infection;
• Importance of food-borne pathways for transmission of the main food-borne parasites to humans;
• Occurrence and survival of the selected parasites in foods, and consumer habits that contribute to infection;
• Possible control measures along the food chain, from farm to consumption

Programma esteso

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Notes of lectures; scientific publications
Foodborne parasites in the food supply web [Edited by Alvin A Gajadhar], 2015, Woodhead Publishing – Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL

Metodi didattici

Oral lectures, scientific seminaries, laboratory activities

Modalità verifica apprendimento

This course is part of the integrated subject "One health in food safety” and the final grading of the entire integrated course is calculated as an average of the scores obtained in the two courses. The examination commission includes teachers of both courses.
The final examination is oral and will verify the theoretical and applicative knowledges of the student. Particularly positive will be evaluated the ability to move within the different topics and the achievement of an organic knowledge of the topics presented during the lessons.
Teaching tools
projector, computer, instruments of microbiological laboratory

Altre informazioni

Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Monica Caffara

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Numero verde

800 904 084

Student's office

E. segreteria.scienzealimenti@unipr.it 

Quality assurance service 

Course quality assurance manager:
Dott.ssa Caterina Scopelliti
T. +39 0521 905969
E. service didattica.scienzealimenti@unipr.it
E. manager caterina.scopelliti@unipr.it

Course President

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi
E. tullia.tedeschi@unipr.it 

Deputy Course President

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini
E. valentina.bernini@unipr.it 


Delegate for guidance

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi
E. emanula.zanardi@unipr.it 

Delegate for career guidance

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot
E. francesca.bot@unipr.it  

Delegate for tutoring

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi
E. emanuela.zanardi@unipr.it 

Member of the International student mobility commission

Prof. Francesco Martelli
E. francesco.martelli@unipr.it  

Responsible for Course Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Chiara Dall'Asta
E. chiara.dallasta@unipr.it


Contact person for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties,(SpLD) or vulnerable groups

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci
E. marilena.musci@unipr.it 


Delegats for internships

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi - Unipr
E. tullia.tedeschi@unipr.it 

Prof.ssa Paola Battilani - Università Sacro Cuore PC
E. paola.battilani@unipr.it

Prof. Pietro Rocculi - Unibo
E. pietro.rocculi3@unibo.it  

Prof. Emilio Stefani - Unimore
E. emilio.stefani@unipr.it

Prof. Nicola Marchetti - Unife
E. nicola.marchetti@unipr.it