Obiettivi formativi
After completing this course, students will be able: to understand the importance of traceability and biosecurity in order to identify the source of infection and monitor, prevent and control zoonotic and foodborne hazards; to perform phenotypic and genotypic methods and analyse sequence data for bacterial pathogen subtyping and characterization; to assess and improve the level of implementation of biosecurity measures applied in farms and identify risk factors.
There are no compulsory prerequisites, but students are advised to attend the courses of “Biological Hazards in Food” and “Animal welfare”(year of study 1).
Contenuti dell'insegnamento
The course will present insights into EU regulations related to the management of zoonotic and foodborne hazards from farm to fork. In particular it will introduce students to traditional and innovative approaches applied in surveillance and official controls of bacterial pathogens isolated from food of animal origin as well as the prevention and control measures that can be applied on farm to control zoonosis and (food borne) infectious diseases.
Programma esteso
lecture notes and scientific publications introduced during lectures
Metodi didattici
Oral lectures, seminars held by experts, laboratory activities, visits to farms
Modalità verifica apprendimento
Final grading is calculated as an average of the scores obtained in the two courses of "FARM BIOSECURITY AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES PREVENTION" and "FOODBORNE RISK TRACEABILITY". The examination commission includes teachers of both courses.
Altre informazioni
Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
2 "zero hunger", 3 "good health and well-being", 4 "quality education"