Learning objectives
At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the main themes and to reflect on them in a critical way. In particular, they should show that they have acquired the main theoretical references and research that enhance the "competent system" within Ecec. The students should also show to know themes, problems and meanings of pedagogical documentation as tool to promote learnings both for educators and for parents.
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Course unit content
The course aims at exploring the issue of professionalism in early childhood education and care (Ecec). In particular it will deep the competences useful to promote quality within educational services. The study of some educational practices and of some research on the competence requirements in Ecec will be proposed. The lessons will also deep concepts and themes like "competent system", team-work, reflection in and on action, pedagogical documentation.
The pedagogical documentation will be analyzed as an opportunity for learning and participation within educational services, for all the adults involved in them at different levels and with different roles.
Full programme
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Mezirow J., Apprendimento e trasformazione, R.Cortina Editore, Milano, 2003.
Sclavi M., Arte di ascoltare e mondi possibili. Come si esce dalle cornici di cui siamo parte, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2003.
Balduzzi L., Manini M., Professionalità e servizi per l'infanzia, Carocci editore, Roma, 2013.
A.a. V.v., CoRe - Competence Requirements in Early Childhood Education and Care" (University of East London, Cass School of Education and University of Ghent, Department for Social Welfare Studies, 2011
Teaching methods
The course includes, in addition to lectures and theoretical reflections, even the direct involvement of students through case-studies, work-group and discussions in plenary. The students will be also involved in the analysis of different materials about pedagogical documentation.
Some experts' voices will enrich the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' learnings will be evaluate through an oral exam which includes questions about: a) the student's knowledge about the main topics b) the student's competence about reflecting on specific themes in a critical way c) the student's competence about analyzing issues across different contexts and perspectives.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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