cod. 1008399

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand:
At the end of the course students will be able to use general principles that are at the basis for dietary recommendations and a proper evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio related to dietary exposure.
Students must be able to use knowledge acquired to critically analyse results obtained from the evaluation of dietary exposure for what both nutritional and toxicological aspects are concerned.
Autonomy of judgment:
Students must be able to appraise the usefulness and applicability of learned knowledge and instruments, using them for critically and holistically weigh the risk/benefit balance that is intrinsic to human nutrition.
Communication skills:
Students must be able to use the scientific language and the specific words of the discipline in an appropriate manner, demonstrating the ability to illustrate and transmit the acquired concepts in oral and written form.
Learning ability:
At the end of the course, students will be able to deepen their knowledge through the independent consultation of specialized texts, scientific papers and appropriate databases, even outside the topics discussed in class.


basic knowledge of Human Nutrition and Nutrition Physiology

Course unit content

The Course of Risk Characterization and Exposure Assessment in Food includes two modules: Module 1) Exposure assessment and risk/benefit evaluation; Module 2) Food Toxicology.
The general contents of the course will deal with the following topics:
(Module 1): 1)methodological aspects of exposure assessment in human nutrition, including Dietary Reference Values for energy and nutrients; 2) Gold standards in dietary assessment; 3) Statistical methodology to estimate usual intake and uncertainty in dietary assessment; 4) Relevance to human health of nutrients and non-nutrient dietary components; 5) Food composition databases; 6) evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio in human nutrition.
(Module 2): 1) general principles of toxicology and toxicokinetics; 2) toxicity mechanisms of xenobiotics; 3) toxicological parameters and the toxicological tests applied to risk assessment; 4) chemical carcinogenesis; 5) toxicological evaluation of xenobiotics; 6) influence of food in the modulation of metabolism with specific attention to nutraceutical products and food supplements.

Full programme

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1) Advances in the Assessment of Dietary Intake. Dale A. Schoeller & Margriet S. Westerterp-Plantenga Eds. CRC Press; 2017: Taylor & Francis (London).
2) Casarett & Doull’s “Tossicologia: fondamenti dell’azione delle sostanze tossiche” Ed. EMSI, Roma. 3) Goodman & Gilman’s “The pharmacological basis of therapeutics”
4) Selected scientific papers. 5) Notes and slides presented by the teachers

Teaching methods

Teaching will be carried out through classroom lectures and seminars, with the possibility of partly using the lessons also remotely in synchronous mode (uploaded on the Elly page of the course), with the aid of slides that will represent educational material available online on the Elly platform https://elly.saf.unipr.it/2020/ in pdf format for students. During classroms there will be examples of numeric and problem-solving exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

According to the Module,the exam might include an oral interview, or a written test. For each module the evaluation, in 30/30 score points, will depend on the assessment of the level of knowledge of the contents discussed during the course, the ability to apply such knowledge and draw conclusions. The praise is assigned in the case of reaching the maximum score on each item to which is added the mastery of the disciplinary lexicon.
The final mark will represent the mathematical average of the score obtained for the two modules Please note that to register the final mark it is mandatory to register on the online platform esse3 specifying in the notes the acceptance of the score obtained in both modules

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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