cod. 1012158

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
GALLI Cesare
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, students will be expected to:
- have a proof knowledge of the subject;
- be able to critically describe the rules governing each topic,
- explain using technical language the underlined economic phenomena;
- illustrate the rationale underpinning the rules as well the interests protected by them;
- compare the Italian rules with solutions adopted by foreign jurisdictions.


DDespite the course is self-contained (i.e., no prior knowledge of economics or public international law is required), a basic knowledge of private and contract law is important. Basic notions of these subjects will be provided during the course. The professors are of course available to tackle a lack of a legal background with the students and support the understanding of the course and the preparation of the final exam.

Course unit content

The course is divided in two parts.
The course is divided in two parts.
PART I - “Global Trade Law, International Commerce and Corporates’ Innovation - mainly deals with global trade from a business, commercial and trade law perspective.
PART II – “Food Design and Intellectual Property Rights” - is focused on food design and intellectual property rights.

Full programme

The Syllabus covers the topics specifically provided for each part of the course.


Please look at books and materials sections specifically suggested for each part of the course.

Teaching methods

The didactical approach will require an active attendance by students. Details are provided under the relevant section of the Syllabus for each part of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam based on open questions.
Attending-students only will be allowed to divide the examination in two parts. The first one will refer to Module I and will take place at the end of the first part of the Course. The second part, concerning Module II contents, will take place at the end of the lessons.
Regarding the assessment methods for each Module, please refer to the specific instructions provided in the specific Part.

Other information

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