Lectures timetable

Students can consult the class timetable on the Student Agenda portal or via the University's Mobile App.

Calendar of Lessons

The lectures of the degree courses of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies  are spread over the following periods:

a.y. 2024/2025

First semester: 16 September - 10 December 2024 (21 October - 25 October 2024: suspension for profit examinations)

Second semester: 27 January - 16 May 2025 (17 February - 28 February 2025: suspension for profit examinations; 17 April - 24 April 2025: suspension for Easter holidays)

Lesson zero - Welcome Day a.y. 2024/2025

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the "Lezione zero - Welcome Day" will be held on September 30, 2024 (time and classroom will be communicated later).

The initiative, intended exclusively for freshmen, is aimed at presenting the services and facilities of the Master's Degree Course and providing useful advice and suggestions to best start the university path.
The meeting will have as speakers the professors of the Degree Course.

The "lesson zero" is also a Welcome day. The event, in fact, is aimed at introducing new students to academic life and making them aware of all the services and opportunities that the University offers, in addition to those offered by the Degree Course.



APP UniprMobile

Students are invited to download the University Mobile App.

The class schedule will be published in July 2024.