Enrolment procedures and deadlines

Admission to the Master’s Degree in Global Food Law: Sustainability Challenges and Innovation (LM SC-GIUR) is subjected to the mandatory assessment of a student's educational background.   

Enrolment Period - Prospectus

All detailed information regarding the enrollment procedure will be available in the 2025/2026 Prospectus. 


Academic year 2024/25

Prospectus 2024/25

Enrollment procedure (online) and deadlines: 

Admission to the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Global food law: sustainability challenges and innovation (LM SC-GIUR) is subjected to the mandatory assessment of a student's educational background. 

Non-EU students must go through a pre-assessment procedure. Applications are accepted from May 17 to June 30, 2024 (info and pre-registration, see the page: https://www.unipr.it/en/students-and-students-extra-ue). 

All students must hold a B2 English language proficiency

Enrollment period – prospectus:

Registration/enrolment periods online

registration: from 12:00 on 17 July 2024 to 12:00 on 18 October 2024.

N.B. Students who have not yet graduated, must follow a pre-enrollment procedure by 18 October 2024 and, once they have obtained their three-year degree, must complete the enrollment by 31 March 2025.

  • Transitions and incoming transfers: until 18 October 2024
  • outgoing transfers: until 31 December 2024

(50 eligible non-EU students, of which 3 places are reserved for students of Chinese nationality as part of the "Marco Polo" Project - for info and pre-registration, see the page: https://www.unipr.it/en/students-and-students-extra-ue)

All detailed information on the enrolment procedure is available in the 2024/2025 Prospectus.

Access requirements

The assessments may involve the following recipients and requirements: 


  1. A) Students with an italian qualfication (automatic admission or after verification) 

Access to the Master's Degree program requires a bachelor’s degree, or a four-year degree obtained at Italian universities. 

Students who possess a certification of English language proficiency at least at B2 level (certified by passing exams or language qualifications within the university course or by language certifications issued by recognized institutions) and a degree obtained in the following classes, with a graduation grade higher than 100/110, are automatically admitted to the Master's Degree program. 

· LMG/01 Classe delle Lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza 

· L-14 (DM 270/04) Scienze dei servizi giuridici e 02 (DM 509/99) Scienze dei servizi giuridici 

· L-16 (D.M. 270/04) Scienze dell’amministrazione e dell’organizzazione e 19 (D.M. 509/99) Scienze dell’amministrazione 

· L-18 (DM 270/04) Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale e 17 (DM 509/99) Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale 

· L-33 (DM 270/04) Scienze Economiche e 28 (DM 509/99) - Scienze Economiche 

· L-36 (D.M. 270/04) Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali e 15 (D.M. 509/99) Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali 

· L-37 Classe delle lauree in Scienze sociali per la cooperazione, lo sviluppo e la pace 

· L-39 (DM 270/04) Servizio sociale e 06 (DM 509/99) – Scienze del servizio sociale 

· L/GASTR Classe delle lauree in Scienze, culture e politiche della gastronomia 


Those who have graduated in one of the aforementioned degree classes but with a graduation grade lower than 100/110 and/or without the required language certification must take a test assessment of the personal preparation. 

Those who have graduated in a degree class different from the ones mentioned above may access the program, subject to a personal preparation assessment, if they have nonetheless acquired: 

1) at least 24 CFU in the scientific-disciplinary areas listed below: 

  • GIUR-01/A (IUS/01) diritto privato 

  • GIUR-11/A (IUS/02) diritto privato comparato 

  • GIUR-02/A (IUS/04) diritto commerciale 

  • GIUR-03/A (IUS/05) diritto dell'economia 

  • GIUR-03/B (IUS/03) diritto agrario e alimentare 

  • GIUR-04/A (IUS/07) diritto del lavoro 

  • GIUR-05/A (IUS/08 – IUS/09) diritto costituzionale e pubblico 

  • GIUR-06/A (IUS/10) diritto amministrativo e pubblico 

  • GIUR-08/A (IUS/12) diritto tributario 

  • GIUR-07/A (IUS/11) diritto e religione 

  • GIUR-09/A (IUS/13) diritto internazionale 

  • GIUR-10/A (IUS/14) diritto dell'unione europea 

  • GIUR-14/A (IUS/17) diritto penale 

  • GIUR-17/A (IUS/20) filosofia del diritto 

  • GIUR-11/B (IUS/21) diritto pubblico comparato 


2) at least 6 CFU in the scientific-disciplinary areas listed below: 

  • ECON-01/A (SECS-P/01) economia politica 

  • ECON-02/A (SECS-P/02) politica economica 

  • ECON-04/A (SECS-P/06) economia applicata   

  • ECON-06/A (SECS-P/07) economia aziendale 

  • ECON-07/A (SECS-P/08) (Economia e gestione delle imprese);  

  • ECON-08/A (SECS-P/10) Organizzazione aziendale 


It is at the discretion of the Admission Committee to approve, subject to the assessment of personal preparation, the admission of candidates from programs not included in the previous list of degree classes or who do not have the minimum number of CFUs in the areas mentioned above, provided that they demonstrate a level of preparation, knowledge, and skills in line with the Master's degree program, as evidenced by suitable documentation provided at the time of application. 


A.1 Curricular requirement recovery 

For the academic year 2024/2025, students who do not meet the curricular requirements for enrollment in master's degree courses can access the "Curricular Requirement Recovery" program (similar to a "Single Course"), provided they have completed the pre-enrollment for the desired master's degree course and paid the regional fee and virtual stamp duty. 

It is emphasized that: 

  • A maximum of 30 ECTS can be earned through the "Curricular Requirement Recovery" program. 

  • This program does not grant certifications for the completion of individual courses, as it is purely preparatory for access to the master's degree program. 

  • The credits must be acquired by March 31st. 

  • These credits will not be counted for student benefits or in the calculation of university fees. 




  1. B) Students with a foreign qualification 

The admission of candidates with a degree obtained abroad is subject to holding at least a bachelor’s degree (EQF 6 – ISCED 6). The verification of curricular requirements will be carried out by an Admission Committee, which will assess the equivalence between the content of the courses already completed and those in the scientific-disciplinary areas offered in the Master's degree program in question. Admission will be conditional upon successfully passing the interview to verify personal preparation (see below) with the Admission Committee. 


All candidates are required to have an adequate level of English proficiency, at least at the B2 level. This proficiency is demonstrated by passing exams or language assessments within the university course or by language certifications issued by recognized institutions. 

In the absence of such certifications, admission is subject to the verification of English language proficiency during the personal preparation assessment (see below). 

Assessment of the personal preparation


Academic year 2025/26 - Pre-Admission call 

Candidates who do not meet the automatic admission requirements can submit the Pre-Admission call for the verification of their personal preparation. 

The verification of personal preparation consists of an evaluation of the candidate's curriculum and exams taken, and, if necessary, an online oral interview aimed at assessing the possession of basic knowledge in legal, economic, and socio-political fields consistent with the admission requirements for the program described above. During this verification, the language skills of students who do not document their English proficiency at least at the B2 level are also assessed. 

Non-EU Students 

Non-EU students can submit the pre-admission call: 

  • From February 20 to April 22, 2025 

  • From May 10 to June 20, 2025 



The registration procedures and dates of the interviews will be published on this page. 



Italian and EU Students 

Italian and EU students can submit the pre-admission call: 


  • From June 3 to December 10, 2025 (to be confirmed) 


The registration procedures and dates of the interviews will be published on this page. 


Interview registration


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.giurisprudenza@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs  Anna Maria Roseto (temporary function) 

Dr. Giulia Raina (temporary function) 

For information

E. globalfoodlaw@unipr.it

President of the degree course

degree course liaisons

Prof.ssa Lucia Scaffardi
Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni

Faculty advisor

to be elected

Career guidance delegate

to be elected

Tutor Professor

to be elected

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Malaika Bianchi
E. malaika.bianchi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

to be elected


link: Internships

Tutor students

link: Tutor for students