Learning objectives
The course is aimed at teaching knowledge and under standing of the basics of essential elements in basic principle in the field connected to professional activity; morevoer, the student will also learn to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding in identify the connections with recent rules on recurrent professional questions as animal welfare, transport and commerce of animals
None. Enrolment of the first class of the SZTPA course than specific choise of the topic among the didactic offert
Course unit content
Element of administrative, penal and civil low. Rules on animal welfare. Abuse of animals: L. 189/04; art. c.p. 544 bis, ter,quater,quinques, sexties; art c.p. 727. Transport of farm animals Reg CE 1/2005. Equine registry. Artt. civ. code on agreement in the animal commerce. Defence of animal slaughter, Low n. 333/98
Full programme
Element of administrative, penal and civil low. Rules on animal welfare. Abuse of animals: L. 189/04; art. c.p. 544 bis, ter,quater,quinques, sexties; art c.p. 727. Transport of farm animals Reg CE 1/2005. Equine registry. Artt. civ. code on agreement in the animal commerce. Defence of animal slaughter, Low n. 333/98
Iconografic didactic material and full test of principal lows are available in the course website.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons. Problem solving in actual cases.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam is a combination in a single exam paper of multiple choice type questions, short answer type questions, and essay based questions.
Other information
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