Procedure for the activation of internships
To activate the internship, it is necessary to access the online platform set up by the University of Parma and carefully follow the instructions provided (to consult the guides click here).
The procedure involves several steps:
- Accreditation of the external structure by telematic means; Indication by the external structure of a Company Tutor;
- Signing of the agreement (paper) and sending to the Internships Office;
- Insertion of a training project by the external structure;
- Acceptance of the training project and indication by the student of an academic tutor, chosen from among the proofessors/instructors of the degree course;
- Acceptance/modification of the training project by the Academic Tutor;
- Activation of the work placement; End of the work placement;
- Completion of the evaluation questionnaire;
- Recognition of the ECTS credits, at the end of the internship activity, by the Academic Tutor; Delivery of the daily attendance sheet;
- Enrolment of the ECTS credits in the student's career.
During the work placement experience, the student must complete an Attendance sheet, on which he/she will take care to note down the hours of activity carried out on a daily basis.
The Attendance sheet must be signed by the company tutor to certify attendance and the activity carried out and countersigned by the academic tutor; the Attendance sheet must be sent to the Student Registry Office at the end of each internship period.
Attention* if the company already has an online agreement with the University of Parma, it will immediately be possible to proceed with the compilation of the training project.
For more detailed information please consult the Course Regulations and the attached Internship Regulations