Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with methodological and cognitive tools to understand the topics of the criminal procedure in a systematic perspective.
At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
- have a systematic view of the penitentiary law;
- analyze the law starting from the constitutional ed european principles
For students attending the 5th year (a.y. 2023-2024), it is necessary to have passed the exams of: Institutions of Private Law, Institutions of Roman Law, Constitutional Law and Criminal Law I.
It is strong recommended to follow the criminal procedure class befor attending or preparing the penitentiary law class.
Course unit content
The class is focused on the penitentiary law, examined under the light of the constitutional e european principles about the protection of the fundamental rights of the convinced person.
Full programme
The penitentuary law system and the constitutional and european principles of the penitentiary law
For student attending the lessons:
1) Class-notes;
2) M. Bortolato – E. Vigna, Vendetta pubblica. Il carcere in Italia, Laterza, 2020
Not mandatory, only for the students who want to deep rhe topic of the class: F. Della Casa – G. Giostra, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, 2023
For law student not attending class:
1) F. Della Casa – G. Giostra (a cura di), Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, 2020, except chap. VII and VIII
2) M. Bortolato – E. Vigna, Vendetta pubblica. Il carcere in Italia, Laterza, 2020
For not law students not attending class:
R. Bezzi - R. Oggionni; Educare in carcere. Sguardi sulla complessità, Franco Angeli, going to be published in fall 2021
M. Bortolato – E. Vigna, Vendetta pubblica. Il carcere in Italia, Laterza, 2020
Not mandatory, only for the students who want to deep the topic of the class: F. Della Casa – G. Giostra, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, 2021
For law students not attending the lessons:
1) F. Della Casa – G. Giostra, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, 2021, excluding chap. VII e VIII
2) M. Bortolato – E. Vigna, Vendetta pubblica. Il carcere in Italia, Laterza, 2020
(about 400 pages)
Teaching methods
Class-room lessons. Debate between the scholar and the student.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, with at least three questions about the contet f the course.
Other information
Magistrates, lawyer and expert of penitentiary law could perform some lesson during the course in order to give the students a more practical approch.