Learning objectives
Targets of the course (expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences): to achieve skills necessary for effective writing, including punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, organization, and style; to promote individual or group research projects on complex aspects of writing production with the help of specific instruments for linguistic analysis (lexical in particular).An optional collective writing exercise is also planned.
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Course unit content
His academic course aims to make the knowledge of language deeper. Focuses on the following points: italian language features, textual structure, various kinds of text (in particular paraphrase, formal writing outline, outline of a prose text, learning the literary criticism language). Students must commit to attending class and to the delivery of texts on the deadlines set by the lecturer. Struggling students will be able to rely on tutors to consolidate their preparation.
Full programme
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Bibliography and other teaching aids will be provided during the course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and exercitations (analysis of several important texts and writing production). Individual and groups Teams meetings for written works revision.For the enrolled students a tutoring service, provided by PhD students, will be available on request throughout the course (Project Ateneo).
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be performed by oral exam and a written work. The student should achieve the passing score when he proves to know the different kind of lenguage and to own the skills necessary for effective writing (including usage, mechanics, sentence structure, logic organization, and style, as well as other rhetorical strategies and critical language).
Other information
Attendance in the course is required. The student is required to produce the specified texts on the deadlines set by the teacher. Non-attendees should make contact with the professor as soon as possible and follow agreed work directions on time.
Before the start of the Course, take note of the news reported in the Elly platform, fill out the Questionnaire and send it to the teacher before class starts.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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