Learning objectives
The course of Biblical Exegesis contributes to the acquisition of advanced methodological skills in linguistic-philological studies, aimed at the translation, analysis, and critical understanding of exegetical texts in Greek and Latin languages. In order to achieve the educational objectives, direct reading and in-depth interpretation of the texts covered in the monographic course will be conducted during lectures, supported by other assisted teaching activities to initiate individual research paths. Students will apply their disciplinary knowledge in independently developing a short research project on a chosen topic, translating and analyzing texts using appropriate bibliographic resources and methodologies.
Upon completion of the course, students should have attained the ability to confidently tackle the translation of even complex texts, as well as effectively communicate the results of their study and research with clarity and precision of language.
- Knowledge and understanding:
The course of Biblical Exegesis will enable students to acquire knowledge that will be achieved and supported through targeted didactic interventions such as lectures, seminars, and exercises.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
The study of the Jewish-Hellenistic historical context and the synoptic analysis of the most distinctive aspects of early Christian literary expressions will result in an understanding of the fundamental developments of biblical exegesis in Greek and Latin languages, as well as the content of the examined literary texts. This knowledge will provide students with an expanded literary horizon of reference and the ability to better contextualize critical-textual aspects that serve as a driving force for a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary theological and literary dynamics.
- Judgement autonomy:
By the end of the course, based on both theoretical and linguistic-literary analytical knowledge, students should have developed the ability to gather data and critically interpret ancient Christian texts, as well as formulate independent and well-founded judgments about them and the socio-cultural context in which they are situated.
- Communication skills:
Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired the ability to accurately communicate both literary and extra-literary content, as well as develop clear historical-literary pathways.
- Learning skills:
The theoretical and disciplinary engagement should provide students with a certain mastery of methodologies and learning skills that are valuable for future professions related to teaching and communication.