cod. 1010087

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Mariangela SCARPINI
Academic discipline
Didattica e pedagogia speciale (M-PED/03)
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
Know the contents presented in the course literature;
Analyze cases of evaluation and innovation of educational services and identify the implicit inspirational models;
Apply the knowledge and skills developed to identify strengths, criticalities and development opportunities in specific cases;
Communicate and explain with technical and current language processes and project work results;
critically evaluate potentialities and limitations of the previous case- analyzes and of the solutions suggested.


. It is recommended:
- to recall what learned in the courses of General Dydactics, Evaluation and planning of educational activities (or similar)
- that the course is taken after
a period of practice and/or experiences in the educational field, stage or work-placement.

Course unit content

The course intends
To explore the main models proposed in the literature about evaluation and innovation strategies for educational services;
To critically assess their assumptions and effects by examining cases in progress;
To propose a multifactorial orientation as a reference paradigm for professional action.

Full programme

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The same as in the italian reference text section. Specific texts and articles can be agreed with the teacher.

Teaching methods

The course will be carried out by privileging heuristic methods, useful also for the initial assessment of pre-knowledge and for the formative assessment during the learning process. Complementary tutorials and seminars on the contents presented in the course literature will also be carried out.
The skills of applying and communicating knowledge will be developed through case studies, simulation and role playing activities, also functional to the preparation of the report that will be discussed in the final exam.
All the notes and extra material presented during the lessons will be uploaded on the Elly platform. It is necessary to be registered to the online course in order to download them.

Assessment methods and criteria

The students who follow the course and complete the activities will present and discuss their CAse study at the end of MAy as a group.
The students who don't follow the course will present and discuss their Case study during the exam session.
BOth kinds of students will discuss a Proect Work during the exam session.

Other information

The program and the evaluation are differento for studens who follow the activities during the course for the part "Case Study": students who follow the course will present their activity during the lecture period at the end of May.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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