Learning objectives
The course Indo-European Civilisation mod. B aims at an introduction to Indo-European languages and cultures, after an investigation of inherited cultural aspects (society, religion, poetry), tracing back the geographic origin of the Indo-Europeans before their language splits as it lays today. At the end of the course students will be able with (1) the identification of the cultural treats that distinguish the Indo-European languages and peoples, (2) the recognition of the most important linguistic aspects of Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Greek, in particular, and (3) the reconstruction of the most common Proto-Indo-European roots.
No specific requirements.
Course unit content
– Fundamentals of historical linguistics: language family and genealogical classification.
– Indo-European languages: description, geography, history and sources.
– Indo-European culture: linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, society, poetry and religion.
– Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Greek: fundamentals of linguistics and reconstruction.
– Aegean civilisations: language, peoples and cultures in the Bronze and Iron Ages.
Full programme
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– In-class notes, teaching materials and exercises on Elly2022.
– MILIZIA, Paolo. 2002. Le lingue indoeuropee. Roma: Carocci. ISBN 978-88-430-2330-1.
– CAMPANILE, Enrico. 2005. Antichità indoeuropee (pagine 9–37). In: Enrico Campanile, Bernard Comrie & Calvert Watkins. Introduzione alla lingua e alla cultura degli Indoeuropei. Bologna: Il Mulino. ISBN 978-88-15-10763-3.
Further readings:
– LURAGHI, Silvia. 2016 [2021]. Introduzione alla linguistica storica. 2ª ed. Roma: Carocci. ISBN 978-88-290-0531-4.
– GODART, Louis. 2020. Da Minosse a Omero. Genesi della prima civiltà europea. Torino: Einaudi. ISBN 978-88-062-4380-7.
Teaching methods
Traditional lecture with in-class and home exercises of analysis and reconstruction. Because the course is both introductory and technical, students are warmly invited to an active participation.
Assessment methods and criteria
Final oral examination based that aims at testing (1) the knowledge of the comparative and historical method within Indo-European studies, (2) linguistic analysis and reconstruction skills, and (3) clear exposition and argumentation with the use of the technical vocabulary. More in detail:
– a fail depends on a lack of knowledge of the basic fundamental contents, a lack of technical vocabulary and failure in resolving the proposed exercises, a lack of autonomous judgement, analysis, argumentation and communication of the contents;
– scores 18–23/30 reveal minimal performance;
– scores 24–25/30 reveal an adequate performance;
– scores 28–30/30 reveal a very good performance and 30/30 cum laude reveals an excellent performance.
Other information
Lectures and in-class exercises consist of an occasion for strengthening and self-evaluation of the program. Students who cannot regularly attend lectures can download all the materials from Elly2022 and can autonomously use the textbooks indicated as "further readings" in the bibliography section. Thus, they can take the exam as described in the specific section of this syllabus.
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