cod. 16008

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
600 hours
of face-to-face activities
24 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The internship of the THIRD YEAR of the course includes the following learning objectives:
- Consolidate the relationship with patients based on active listening, respect, protection of privacy
-Autonomous assistance with physiological pregnancy
-Autonomous assistance during labor and physiological birth
-Assistance during pregnancy, labor and birth within its own competence
- Independent assistance to the physiological newborn
- Assistance to pathological newborns within their own competence
- Assistance to the gynecological patient
-Assistance in the operating section
-Prevention of tumors of the female genital sphere


Attendance at lectures and workshops

Course unit content

The professional internship represents the heart of the preparation of the students of the Course
Degree in Midwifery and the fundamental training method for developing professional skills,
cognitive, methodological, organisational, relational, diagnostic reasoning and critical thinking.
The clinical internship is a form of mandatory tutorial teaching activity that involves the support of
student to an expert professional (Internship Guide), in specific healthcare contexts in order to learn about
field the skills required by the professional role.
Learning occurs through:
• observation;
• the reflective experience;
• the integration of theoretical-disciplinary knowledge with professional and organizational operational practice;
• practical experimentation which allows the acquisition of practical skills of increasing level and complexity
with progressive autonomy for the student.
The internship of the SECOND YEAR of the course includes the following learning objectives:
- Consolidate the relationship with patients based on active listening, respect, protection of privacy
- Consolidate the fundamental elements of assistance to the pregnant woman.
- Consolidate basic nursing and midwifery care.
- Approach to the delivery room, assistance during physiological labor and birth
- First care for the physiological newborn
- Approach to the gynecological patient

Full programme

In addition to the program of the first and second year internship module, the following contents will be tested:
-relational and behavioral skills, suited to the internship environment and adequate for the current training level
-assistance during labor-delivery and post-delivery at low obstetric risk
- assistance, within its own competence, in high-risk labour, birth and postpartum
-basic and advanced neonatal care
- carrying out obstetric triage
- autonomous assistance for the pregnant woman hospitalized in the ward, the physiological mother and the physiological newborn
-assistance, within its own competence, of pregnant women with pathologies
-assistance, within its own competence, of gynecological patients
-promotion of responsible motherhood and protection of the voluntary termination of pregnancy process
- assistance with physiological pregnancy
-prevention of female genital cancers
-health care in the operating environment
- knowledge of the path of the newborn admitted to the NICU and support for parenting and breastfeeding in this circumstance


Audiovisual materials
- Costantini W., “Trattando di Scienza ed Arte della Professionalità Ostetrica” Ed. Piccin, 2021.
- G. Rizzo, T. Ghi, A. Ercoli, N. Di Simone, "Manuale di Ostetricia e Ginecologia", Ed. Scientifiche Falco, 2023
- A. Valle et al. "Manuale di Sala Parto", Ed. edi-ermes, 2022
- T. Ghi et al., "La lettura fisiopatologica della cardiotocografia intrapartum", Piccin, 2024

Teaching methods

Preliminary and consolidation exercises for learning basic care practices: laboratories with simulations on dummy and with health facilities, viewing of educational films.
Guided internships at locations affiliated with the University of Parma.
Students are supported in a one-to-one relationship, for each place of training, by clinical tutors, belonging to the same professional profile or to the same class of degree, who guide them in achieving the identified educational objectives. The internship diary is a tool for critical reflection on the path taken

Assessment methods and criteria

The student is evaluated by the clinical tutor, at the end of each training period through an evaluation sheet on the ability to understand and apply, on judgment autonomy and on communication skills (Dublin descriptors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th °). The card includes the general and specific objectives for each area and an initial and final evaluation grid, as well as a space for notes on the progress of the learning path.
The internship exam consists of an oral test concerning the theory and practice of the care procedures objective of the internship of the current year.
The final grade is the result of the overall evaluation of the practical test and of the opinions expressed in itinere in the evaluation sheets of the internship.

Other information

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