cod. 1007249

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
450 hours
of face-to-face activities
18 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The student must acquire and apply the theoretical-practical knowledge of general and basic obstetric care, according to the principles of Midwifery. In particular, at the end of the 1st year of the internship, the student must be able to:
- Establish a relationship with the woman, respecting confidentiality and taking into account the specific psycho-emotional characteristics of the context;
- Describe, in general terms, aims, structures and organization of the Internship Service;
- Identify the specific needs of the reference user;
- Recognize the specific functions of midwives in relation to other professional figures, in the perspective of team work;
- Perform professional activities programmed under the guidance of the clinical tutor;
- Evaluate the results of the interventions delivered.


Attendance at lectures and workshops

Course unit content

Internship provides students the possibility to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. During the internship the student must learn and apply:
1. The rules of behavior in the care field
2. The approach to patients based on active listening, respect, privacy,
3. The basics of physiological pregnancy care.
4. Nursing and midwifery assistance.
The content of the apprenticeship in the Delivery Room is only observational.

Full programme

The internship program is oriented towards the following basic assistance activities:
- Relationship with patients, with users and with the team.
- Compliance with the basic hygiene standards for ICPA prevention;
- Basic care procedures: care of the patient's hygiene, detection of vital parameters, ECG execution, administration and storage of drugs, preparation and execution of blood samples, application and management of peripheral venous catheters, monitoring of urinary function and collection of samples urinary, performing biological swabs, bladder catheterization, simple medications;
- Basic obstetric care procedures: Symphysis fund length measurement, execution of Leopold's maneuvers, Fetal heart beat auscultation, use of the cardiotocograph, breastfeeding assistance.


Audiovisual material - Notes/slides
Costantini W., Calistri D., “Midwife” Vol. I-II-III Ed. Piccin, Padova 2013.
- Albinelli. P., L’infermiere tra teoria e prassi. Un manuale per la didattica di laboratorio clinico Athena, Modena 2008.

Teaching methods

Preliminary and consolidation exercises for learning basic care practices: laboratories with simulations on dummy and with health facilities, viewing of educational films.
Guided internships at locations affiliated with the University of Parma.
Students are supported in a one-to-one relationship, for each place of training, by clinical tutors, belonging to the same professional profile or to the same class of degree, who guide them in achieving the identified educational objectives. The internship diary is a tool for critical reflection on the path taken.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student is evaluated by the clinical tutor, at the end of each training period through an evaluation sheet on the ability to understand and apply, on judgment autonomy and on communication skills (Dublin descriptors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th °). The card includes the general and specific objectives for each area and an initial and final evaluation grid, as well as a space for notes on the progress of the learning path.
The internship exam consists of a practical test using materials, medical devices and simulations on dummies.
The final grade is the result of the overall evaluation of the practical test and of the opinions expressed in itinere in the evaluation sheets of the internship.

Other information

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