cod. 1002862

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Giorgio CONTI
Academic discipline
Diritto amministrativo (IUS/10)
Discipline giuridiche
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The training objectives are to allow students, at the end of the course, to be fully familiar with the fundamental principles governing administrative action, with particular reference to the sector of the economy.
In particular, students must acquire knowledge of the main institutions of Administrative Law, and then acquire the fundamental principles of the most significant and relevant sectors in which the Administrative Law of the economy dictates and imposes its discipline, so that the student will find evidence of application of the basic notions of Administrative Law in the field of Economic Law and in the various institutions that will be the object of study and study.


It is recommended that you have taken the public law exam.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of substantial Italian administrative law and to deepen the knowledge of some of the most important institutions in which the legal regime of administrative action takes shape.
The first part of the course is dedicated to the description of the general principles of administrative law, as contained in the Constitution and in the law 241/90.
The course will deal with the administrative power and its characteristics, passing then to analyze the forms through which the power of exercise, that is the administrative procedure. The second part of the course deals with the more specific topics of the administrative law of the economy, moving from the economic Constitution, dealing with the freedom of economic initiative and its limits, will deal with the discipline of competition, independent administrations, the regulation of public services and the privatization.
The students will be able to take the exam on the above program which, in its entirety, will be carried out during the lessons.
Provision is also made for other professors from the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, as well as further details on some institutions that will be indentified during the lessons, based on educational material that will be uploaded on the Elly platform.

Full programme

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1) GIORGIO CONTI, Public Law of Economy, SBC Edizioni 2019;
2) MARCELLO CLARICH, Administrative Law Manual, Bologna 2022, limited to chapters 3,4,5,7,10.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons.
The student will be constantly sent, and placed on the Elly platform, the necessary material relating to the topics covered during the lessons, with particular reference to sentences, articles taken from legal journals, legal texts and related commentsThe course will be divided into lectures.
The didactic activity, compatibly with the pandemic, will be be carried out in the presence.
The student will be constantly sent, and entered on the Elly platform, the necessary material relating to the topics covered during the lessons, with particular reference to judgments, articles taken from legal journals, normative texts and related comments

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists in an oral interview, that will be developed on three questions and will cover the entire course program.
During the oral exam, knowledge and comprehension skills will be assessed with questions aimed at verifying the actual knowledge of the topics covered by the exam program; the ability to apply knowledge and independent judgment will be assessed by inviting the student to discuss also the most controversial aspects dealt with in the manual; the ability to communicate will instead be assessed by assessing the student’s ability to provide comprehensive definitions, to use the appropriate technical terminology and to clarify the meaning of particular expressions or concepts.

Other information

No one

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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