cod. 08634

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Linguistica italiana (L-FIL-LET/12)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Specialist Course of Italian Language’s History will provide the students an approach to the linguistic general questions and to several important texts of special complexity, and will promote the use of historical grammatic and dictionary, specialistic bibliography, concordances and online resources.


Students who have not earned 6 cfu in History of the Italian Language (L/ Fil. Lett. 12) must make up the essentials of the discipline by studying the textbook of C. Marazzini, Storia della lingua italiana, Bologna, il Mulino, 2014 (without the anthology of texts) to supplement the planned program for the Course.

Course unit content

The course examines two moments in early nineteenth-century language history, focusing on two moments of rethinking the classical tradition: the Foscolian translation of the of Catullo’s Chioma di Berenice, and Manzoni's annotations to Plautus.

Full programme

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Bibliography and other teaching aids will be provided during the course.

Teaching methods

The students will be guided to examine separate important texts in addition to the frontal lessons dedicated to the authors and their literary context. Every student will be guided to prepare a presentation that will consist in collection calaloguing, critical analysis of linguistic data. The presentations will be discussed during the final lessons. Attendance is strongly recommended. Non-attending students will have to contact the professor. Most relevant lectures and study materials will be available on the Elly portal. Group and individual Skype contacts for correction of written papers.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam will be an oral interview in wich the student will prove to be able to: 1) know the development of the linguistic issue between the seventeenth and eighteenth century; 2) put the authors and works correctly in the contest of Italian Language History of eighteenth century; 3) identify and remark on the peculiar linguistic features inside the texts using the most appropriate analysis instruments. Oral exam: the evaluation test establishes if students are achieving specific learning goals for the course.
Most relevant criteria for didactic evaluation include:
- Unsatisfactory grade (score <18): lack of basic skills.
- Passing grade (score 18-24): the exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum of 60% of right answers.
- Positive grade (score 24-27): students can certificate a good knowledge of basics; they give good oral exposition and develop critical thinking.
- Excellent grade (score 28-30 cum laude): knowledge of basics and advanced competences. Very good abilities in using specific language; excellent historical knowledge; argumentation consistency.
A written term paper is required. The paper (of no more than 30.000 characters). It must be submitted to the examination board at least one week before the exam.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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