cod. 1007060

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

KNOWLEDGE: To provide basic knowledge of anthropological questions in relation to the main contents and current debates on social issues (migration, violence, inequalities, ecological crisis, etc.)
COMPETENCE: to apply acquired knowledge in everyday e/o professional contests.



Course unit content

We will deal with many current anthropological themes, concerning communities and societies: migrations, racism, inequality, political--economical-kinship-scolastic organisation and structures. We will try to understand the relationship and difference between "culture" and "society".

Full programme

The introduction of the basic concepts of cultural anthropology is required to master a subject not present in most high schools. The specificity of the discipline - 'intercultural' by definition, since based on deep communication and interaction between people performing different cultures- will be highlighted, together with the potential of the ethnographic research method, the so called 'participant observation': a practice of knowledge and social interaction, oriented to inclusive, transcultural constructiveness, applicable both in daily life, as well in the wider social interaction.
The high potential of anthropology will be presented, consisting in providing content information related to the people present today in the local social and educational contexts, deconstructs prejudices, stereotypes, and fix, wrong, restrictive, discriminating or violent categorizations. Starting points will be provided, in order to produce and re-produce more equal and non-discriminatory relationships. The links between the anthropological concepts of 'culture/cultures', 'social and cultural construction', 'participant observation', 'self-observation', 'self awareness', 'self-esteem', 'social education', etc. will be detailed. Reflections on 'not only Western' knowledge and practices will be elaborated as tools for the deconstruction of ethnocentrism, marginalization, exclusion.
The construction and the unequal treatment of many socio-cultural 'diversities' will be examined through a critical approach to the study of contemporary ethnographic cases in cross-cultural educational environments and living cultures. The collective benefits of diversity applied to educational cooperative work will be highlighted, and a deconstruction of the linguistic-cognitive and pragmatic risks involved, between 'cultural differentialism', 'cultural relativism', and Human Rights will be developed.
Will be constructed tools for a greater self-awareness of educators inherent to their communicational and educational abilities in groups education and management, aimed at avoiding racist, marginalizing drifts.


1. Handbook:
Fabietti, U., Elementi di antropologia culturale, Mondadori, 2015

2. Articles and documents on the Elly platform

3. A book among the following ones:
- Benadusi, M., 2012, Il segreto di Cybernella. Governance dell'accoglienza e pratiche locali di integrazione educativa, Leonforte, Euno.
- Dubois, V., 2018, Il burocrate e il povero. Amministrare la miseria, Milano, Misesis.
- Fassin, D., 2014, Ripoliticizzare il mondo. Studi antropologici sulla vita, il corpo e la
Morale, Verona, Ombre Corte.
- Fava, Ferdinando, Lo Zen di Palermo. Antropologia dell'esclusione. Prefazione di Marc Augé. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008.
- Ferrari D., Mugnaini F. (a cura di) Europa come rifugio. La condizione di rifugiato tra diritto e società, Siena: Betti, 2019
- Giuffrè M. (a cura di), Uguali, diversi, normali. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e contro narrative del mondo rom in Italia, Spagna e Romania, Castelvecchi, 2014.
- Guerzoni, G., Riccio, B. (a cura di) Giovani in cerca di cittadinanza. I figli dell'immigrazione tra scuola e associazionismo, Rimini: Guaraldi, 2009
- Pazzagli, I., Tarabusi, F. Un doppio sguardo. Etnografia delle interazioni tra servizi e adolescenti di origine straniera, Rimini: Guaraldi, 2009.
- Pinelli, B., Ciabarri, L. (a cura di) Dopo l'approdo. Un racconto per immagini e parole sui richiedenti asilo in Italia, Firenze,, 2016
- Porcellana, V., Antropologia del welfare. La cultura dei diritti sociali in Italia, Licosia, Ogliastro Cilento, 2022.
- Pozzi, G., Fuori casa. Antropologia degli sfratti a Milano, Milano, Ledizioni, 2020.
- Riccio, B. (a cura di), Mobilità. Incursioni etnografiche, Mondadori, Milano, 2019.
- Riccio, B., Tarabusi, F. (a cura di) Dilemmi, mediazioni e pratiche nel lavoro dell'accoglienza rivolta a rifugiati e richiedenti asilo, numero monografico di Educazione Interculturale, 16, 1, 2018. Risorsa disponibile sul web:
- Sarcinelli, A.S., Des gamins roms hors-de-l’enfance. Entre protection et exclusion, Editions des archives contemporaines, Paris, 2021. Risorsa disponibile sul web:
- Sorgoni, B. (a cura di), Etnografia dell'accoglienza. Rifugiati e richiedenti asilo a Ravenna, Roma: CISU, 2011
- Rimoldi L., Pozzi G. (a cura di), Pensare un’antropologia del welfare, Meltemi, Milano, 2022.
- Taliani, S. (a cura di) Il rovescio della migrazione. Processi di medicalizzazione, cittadinanza e legami familiari, numero monografico di AM, Rivista della società italiana di antropologia medica, 39-40, 2015. Risorsa disponibile sul web:
- Tosi Cambini, S. Altri confini. Storia, mobilità e migrazioni di una rete di famiglie Rudari tra la Romania e l'Italia, Milano: Mimesis, 2021
- Vietti, F. Il paese delle badanti, Milano, Meltemi, 2019

Teaching methods

Blended method: Lessons and seminars; Lectures and discussions, Q&A, some writing exercitations in classes, Online lectures Educational material, videos on Elly Platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Other possibility: ideation and writing of an educational project.
The evaluation will be the following: the student will answer the questions correctly using an appropriate language, communication skills, and showing an excellent ability to apply, make connections, autonomy of judgment and critical re-elaboration of concepts (from 28 to 30 e Lode); the student will answer correctly the questions using an appropriate language, communication skills, and showing a good ability to apply, sufficient autonomy of judgment and critical re-elaboration of the concepts (from 25 to 27); the student will answer the questions correctly using a sufficiently appropriate language (from 21 to 24); the student will answer correctly at least a part of the essential questions using a sufficiently appropriate language (from 18 to 20).

Other information

Possibility of examination for non-italian speakers in English or French

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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