cod. 1000827

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - Second semester
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Letteratura francese (L-LIN/03)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The Course aims at studying Paul Claudel's work "Connaissance de l'Est", illustrating its characteristics and its structure, in reference to the evolution of the prose poem.


A linguistic competence corresponding to the A2 Level is required.

Course unit content

The Course aims at illustrating the prose poem and its characteristics, through the analysis of Paul Claudel's "Connaissance de l'Est".

Full programme

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- Paul Claudel, Connaissance de l'Est/L'Oiseau noir dans le Soleil levant, Préface de Jacques Petit, Paris, Gallimard, 2000;
- Paul Claudel, Conoscenza dell'Est. Frammenti in prosa dall'Estremo Oriente (1895-1905), Traduzione, note e saggio introduttivo a cura di Simonetta Valenti, Torino, L'Harmattan, 2021;
- Michel Sandras, Lire le poème en prose, Paris, Dunod, 1995;
- Julien Roumette, Les poèmes en prose, Paris, Ellipses, 2001;
- Yves Vadé, Le poème en prose et ses territoires, Paris, Belin Sup, 2000.

Teaching methods

The didactic methods will include: traditional lessons and vision of some authentic documents about the works that are analysed during the Course, slides, other bibliographical materials given by the Professor during the Course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The competences acquired during the Course will be tested through an Oral Examination, that will take place as follows:
- reading in a correct French of a passage chosen by the Teacher;
- correct translation of the passage in Italian;
- correct analysis of the passage in Italian, referring to the main characteristics of the work, in reference to the evolution of prose poem, to the period's frame and to the author's biography.
The works, the slides and videos, as well as all the material given by the Teacher during her Course, or being researched during it, are part of the Programme and will be asked during the Oral Examination.
Students who will be present at the Oral Examination without the entire text of every novel in French and without the material assigned and available on Elly.Dusic website, WILL NOT BE ADMISSED TO THE ORAL EXAMINATION.

A sufficient note (between 18/30 and 23/30) will be attributed to students having demonstrated to be able to read in a correct French, translate in a correct Italian, and analyse any passage chosen by the Teacher among the novels presented in the Course.
A note between 24/30 and 27/30 will be given to students who will demonstrate to have a good knowledge of the differents contents of the Course (reading, translating and analyzing any text chosen by the Professor), expressed in a fluent and correct French, as well in a personal and critical way.
Students who will demonstrate to possess a complete knowledge of every contents of the Course, expressed in a personal and critical way and without any error from the phonetic and the expressive point of view, will obtain a note between 28/30 and 30/30.
The novels, the slides and videos, as well as the material given by the Teacher during her Course, or being researched during it, are part of the Programme and will be asked during the Oral Examination.
Students who will be present at the Oral Examination in French without the entire text of every novel in French and without the material assigned and available on Elly.Dusic website, WILL NOT BE ADMISSED TO THE ORAL EXAMINATION.

Other information

The works, the slides and videos, as well as all the material given by the Teacher during her Course, or being researched during it, are part of the Programme and will be asked during the Oral Examination.
Students who will be present at the Oral Examination in French without the entire text of every novel in French and without the material assigned and available on Elly.Dusic website, WILL NOT BE ADMISSED TO THE ORAL EXAMINATION.