Learning objectives
At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
- know the different methodological options applicable in the educational field presented in the reference texts;
- identify the most suitable theoretical and methodological approaches to address different educational contexts;
- reflect independently to identify strengths, criticalities and development possibilities on issues, case and didactic research;
- communicate and explain in technical and informative language the acquired knowledge and the analyzes and applications that it is able to carry out;
- learn from reflection on experimented and observed didactic practices and from research consultation.
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Course unit content
The course intends
- present the historical and theoretical framework and the main areas of teaching;
- consult the main dimensions (planning, implementation, reflexive) of theory and didactic action in the various professional contexts;
- consult the main research approaches in the educational-didactic field as a paradigm of reference for professional action;
- know, recognize and put into practice first actions of observations, planning and educational documentation.
Full programme
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The reference bibliography will be specified later.
Teaching methods
The teaching activities will be mainly developed through lectures and dialogues, accompanied by exercises and seminars on the contents presented in the reference texts.
The skills of application, communication and awareness of knowledge will be developed through reflective activities, presentation and analysis of cases, training tests useful to monitor the achievement of ongoing objectives, to provide feedback, to regulate the development of the activity and to simulate the test. the final.
The supplementary didactic materials of the reference texts will be gradually uploaded to the Elly platform.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final summative assessment of learning takes place with a written test and illustrated exercises at the start of the course.
Other information
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